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$ yarn
Manual Installation Steps
```bash (WIP) ```
$ yarn start
$ nodemon --exec babel-node src
$ yarn test
Command | Options | Description |
/catalog | format event_type date |
(WIP) Displays most recent events by format, type, and/or date. |
/debug | Displays the bot's current uptime, cluster info, and latency. | |
/decklist | decklist_url |
(WIP) Display decklist(s) by url or filtered by format, archetype, player, and/or query. |
/event | event_id view (optional) |
(WIP) Displays an event by name, id, date, or search query. |
/help | Displays this bot's commands. | |
/hypergeo | pop_size pop_successes sample_size desired_successes |
Solves a hypergeometric distribution. |
/quote | message_link |
Quotes a message by a provided message link. |
Show a detailed breakdown of all commands
(WIP) Displays most recent events by format, type, and/or date.
Usage: /catalog
event_type: challenge
date: 07/04/2021
Displays the bot's current uptime, cluster info, and latency.
Usage: /debug
(WIP) Display decklist(s) by url or filtered by format, archetype, player, and/or query.
Usage: /decklist
(WIP) Displays an event by name, id, date, or search query.
Usage: /event
event_id: 12299475
view: Decklist View
Displays a list of this bot's commands.
Usage: /help
Solves a hypergeometric distribution.
Usage: /hypergeo
pop_size: 60
pop_successes: 24
sample_size: 7
desired_successes: 4
Quotes a message by a provided message link.
Usage: /quote