The Helper JS - a lot of JS helper functions that are ready to help in your project
- readURL (for displaying image after browse it before uploaded)
- reset_img_preview (for reset image preview to default image (no image))
- replace_all (for replaces some characters with some other characters in a string)
- number_format (formats a number with grouped thousands)
- copy_to_clipboard (copy text to the clipboard)
- open_window (to open a new window)
- set_param_url (set URL parameters)
- numbers_only (sanitizing value of number)
- username_only (sanitizing value of username - only allow alphanumerics, (.) dot, and (*) underscore)
- alphanumerics_only (sanitizing value of text - only allow alphanumerics and whitespace)
- datetime_format (for get date & time value)
- alphabet_only (sanitizing value of text - only allow alphabet and whitespace)
- viewable_password (for show/hide input password)
- scroll_to_elm_id
- validate_file_size
You can include this JS file into your project
Then you can use the function in "thehelper.js"
Thank you for considering contributing to the "The Helper JS".
If you discover a bug or security vulnerability within "The Helper JS", please send an email to Vicky Budiman at All requests will be addressed promptly.
If you come across any issue/bug please report them here.
The Helper JS is open-sourced software built by KINIDI Tech and contributors and licensed under the MIT license.
- Vicky Budiman (
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