This app is my capstone for Ruby on Rails Microverse module. This includes a sign in basic structure, investment control, group administration and all the forms and other necessary things to all the perfect functionality.
This website was tested with Rspec
- Ruby 2.7.2
- Rails 6.1.3
- PostgreSQL
- Using Rubocop Linters
- Bootstrap
- Font awesome
git clone
on your terminal.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Open a terminal
- Copy this code :
git clone "put the link from github repo"
- Run the program with this code :
bundle install
- before running
rails server
you must run a few more commands: first runyarn install --check-files
- Then run
rails db:create
,rails db:migrate
- now you can run
rails server
- Stop the program with: "Ctrl + C" (Windows or Linux) or "Command + C"(Apple)
- When the program is running go to your browser.
- put: localhost:3000/
- Click on Sign Up, then register and create a new User
- Enjoy the app.
👤 Victor Pacheco
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Gregoire Vella for his artistic attribution
This project is Creative Commons Legal Code licensed. Artistic attribution for Gregoire Vella