This repository hosts a Verilog implementation of the Advanced High-performance Bus (AHB) protocol.
Master - master_ahb module
This is the master interface of AHB which initiates the write or read transaction to its slaves.
Assumptions made for our implementation in the version 1 of the design are:
- The max hsize or the transfer size of the data is = 32,
- The design only works for the incrementing burst but not for the wrapping burst,
- The slave isn't introducing any wait states,
- The slave's response to be always an Okay.
- Read and a write doesn't happen consecutively but only after again initiating the transaction.
- Burst and single transfers can't happen continously in the current design.
Slave - sram_top module
- This has ahb_slave_if and sram_core instantiated in it.
ahb_slave_if module
- This is the slave interface of AHB which sends the write address and data received from the master
to the sram core and responds with the read data from sram_core to the master.
sram_core module
- Based on the bank and the channel selected the data is written into the selected sram and read from the selected sram through the instantiation of sram_bist module.
- Instance 8 srams and each provides with BIST and DFT functions.
- Bank0 comprises of sram0-sram3, and bank1 comprises of sram4-sram7.
- In each bank, the sram control signals broadcast to each sram, and data
written per byte into each sram in little-endian style.
sram_bist module
RA1SH_v1 module
- Sram singleport high density 8k depth x 8bit width.
- Checks for the chip select and write enable and does the read or write accordingly.
sram_bist_8kx8 module
- This is the design for bist test and dft to check the sram functionality.
mux and decoder module - Bus interconnecting modules
- The decoder provides a select signal for each subordinate on bus.
- Any response data from the selected Subordinate, passes through the read data multiplexor to
the Manager.
top_wrapper_multi_slaves module
- This module wraps the master and the sram_top module for 3 instances and hence 3 slaves.