The below scripts will help the adopters to deploy SunbirdRC services in kubernetes environment.
- Kubernetes Cluster with minimum 3 nodes
- Helm
- kubectl
- Ingress
- Postgres DB (create database for
) - ElasticSearch (Optional)
- Kafka (Optional)
- Redis (Optional)
- Minio (Optional)
- Domain URL (domain url mapped to kubernetes cluster)
The above optional services are not mandatory for SunbirdRC services. It can be installed based on the requirement on the project. For more details
git clone
cd infra
Make sure from the current directory you're able to run the below commands
kubectl cluster-info
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get ns
helm version
kubectl create ns demo-registry
Feel free to use a different name for the namespace. Use the same name in the reset of the commands.
We use hashicorp vault as the keystore (for ore details you can refer here : )
You can refer to this offical documentation for healm based deployment on a kubernetes cluster. This deployment guide covers the steps required to install and configure a single HashiCorp Vault cluster.( )
- Please follow the steps to deploy the vault service. And use the same namespace that you have created in the previous step.
- Unsealing a Vault is a critical process that involves reconstructing the master key from multiple key shares. This process is designed to provide added security.
- Initialization (First-time setup): If you are initializing Vault for the first time, you'll need to run the following command to initialize the Vault and obtain unseal keys and the initial root token:
vault operator init
The output will provide unseal keys and an initial root token(<root_token>). Keep this information secure. (Make sure to have a copy of these keys or store it in a key.txt file securley)
make sure to use the <root_token> in the values.yaml.(VAULT_SECRET_TOKEN : base64 format of this <root_token>)
Unsealing: When Vault starts, it is sealed, and you need to unseal it using the unseal keys. You can unseal the Vault with the following command:
vault operator unseal
You will be prompted to enter an unseal key. Repeat this process with multiple unseal keys until the required threshold is reached.
Access Vault: After unsealing, you can access Vault using the initial root token or other tokens with appropriate permissions.
vault login <root_token>
Replace <root_token> with the initial root token obtained during the initialization.
Remember that unsealing requires a specified threshold (generally 3 ) of key shares to be provided, typically set during initialization. It's a security measure to ensure that a single compromised key is not enough to unseal the Vault.
- Once you have the keys secured. You have to enable a KV engine
Use the vault secrets enable command to enable a KV engine. In this example, we're enabling the KV version 2 engine. You can replace secret-v2 with any path you prefer.
vault secrets enable -path=kv kv-v2
This command enables the KV version 2 secrets engine at the specified path (kv). You can choose a different path based on your requirements. (But what ever name you provide here has to be use as the root_path: http://vault:8200/v1/kv in the values.yaml)
Convert all the passwords/secrets into base64 format and update these values in values.yaml
- DB_PASSWORD: Postgres database password
- KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD: Keycloak admin password used to login to admin console
- KEYCLOAK_DEFAULT_USER_PASSWORD: Default password to be set for new users created by registry
- MINIO_SECRET_KEY: Minio secret key
- ELASTIC_SEARCH_PASSWORD: Elastic search connection password
- KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_CLIENT_SECRET: Client secret of keycloak admin client for registry
- VAULT_SECRET_TOKEN: Initial Root Token that you get when you deploy vault service (ex : hvs.*************)
- DB_URL: Database Connection URL with username and password (Example: postgres://{{databse_usename}}:{{database_password}}@localhost:5432/{{database_name:sunbirdrc}})
VAULT_SECRET_TOKEN, DB_URL, DB_PASSWORD, KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD and KEYCLOAK_DEFAULT_USER_PASSWORD are mandotry secrets to be set. Other secrets can be set to empty
Configuration values like database address, elastic search address etc should be modified in values.yaml file.
All schema files should be placed in the schemas directory located at sunbird-rc-core/infra/helm_charts/charts/registry/schemas
The signing keys should be placed in the below directories
Both public and private keys for signing
Only public key for exposing to verifiers
Please note that by default a sample key is added. It is highly recommended to update this key before going to production.
helm upgrade --install --namespace=demo-registry demo-registry helm_charts --create-namespace
Release "demo-registry" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: demo-registry
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu May 4 17:02:08 2023
NAMESPACE: demo-registry
STATUS: deployed
Check if all the pods are running
kubectl get pods -n demo-registry
- Goto keycloak admin console
- Login with username
and use the same password configured in secrets - Click on
and selectAdd realm
- Select
file - And click on
Get keycloak secret from keycloak admin console
- Goto keycloak admin console
- Login with username
and use the same password configured in secrets - Goto
page and click onadmin-api
- Goto
tab and click onRegenerate Secret
- Copy the secret
Configure secret in registry
- Get all secrets created
kubectl get secret -n demo-registry
- Encode the secret in base64 format
echo -n "secret copied from keycloak" | base64
- Open the secret in edit mode
kubectl edit secret rc-secret -n demo-registry
Replace empty string for KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_CLIENT_SECRET
with the base64 encoded secret
- Restart registry
kubectl rollout restart deploy/demo-registry -n demo-registry
- Check the pods status
kubectl get pods -n demo-registry
Open the below url in browser and check if you're able to get the swagger json