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A service that communicates with the Anka Build Cloud and exports Prometheus metrics


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Anka Prometheus Exporter

Created and maintained by Veertu Inc.

This package retrieves data from your Anka Build Cloud and exports it for Prometheus at http://localhost/metrics.


Ensure you have a functioning Prometheus instance before using this.

Available ENVs

ENVs take priority over flags

ENV Flag
ANKA_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_CONTROLLER_ADDRESS (string) --controller-address (string)
ANKA_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_CLIENT_CA_CERT (string) --client-ca-cert (string)
ANKA_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_CLIENT_CERT (string) --client-cert (string)
ANKA_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_CLIENT_CERT_KEY (string) --client-cert-key (string)
ANKA_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_UAK_ID (string) --uak-id (string)
ANKA_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_UAK_PATH (string) --uak-path (string)
ANKA_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_UAK_STRING (string) --uak-string (string)
ANKA_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_WEB_CONFIG_FILE (string) --web.config.file (string)
ANKA_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_WEB_LISTEN_ADDRESS (string) --web.listen-address (string)
Usage of anka-prometheus-exporter:
  -client-ca-cert string
        Path to client CA PEM/x509 file (cert file path as arg)
  -client-cert string
        Path to client cert PEM/x509 file (cert file path as arg)
  -client-cert-key string
        Path to client key PEM/x509 file (cert file path as arg)
        Skip client TLS verification (no args)
        Enable client TLS (no args)
  -controller-address string
        Controller address to monitor (url as arg) (required)
  -controller-password string
        Controller basic auth password (password as arg)
  -controller-username string
        Controller basic auth username (username as arg)
        Optimize interval according to /metric api requests received (no args)
  -interval int
        Seconds to wait between data requests to controller (int as arg) (default 15)
  -uak-id string
        UAK ID you wish to use for Controller requests (string as arg)
  -uak-path string
        Path to the UAK file used for Controller requests (path as arg) (supersedes -uak-string)
  -uak-string string
        String form (cat myUAK.pem | sed '1,1d' | sed '$d' | tr -d '\n') of the key file contents for Controller requests (string as arg)
  -web.config.file string
        Path to configuration file that can enable server TLS or authentication. See:
  -web.listen-address :2112
        Address on which to expose metrics and web interface. Examples: :2112 or `[::1]:2112` for http, `vsock://:2112` for vsock

LOG_LEVEL can be set using an environment variable

Using the Binary

  1. Download the appropriate binary (anka-prometheus-exporter) from the releases page
  2. Execute: ./anka-prometheus-exporter --controller_address http://{controller IP or URL}

Using Docker

  1. Create a docker-compose.yml:
version: '3.1'
    image: veertu/anka-prometheus-exporter:latest
    container_name: anka-prometheus-exporter
      - "2112:2112"
       - ANKA_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_CONTROLLER_ADDRESS=http://anka.controller:8090 # change this to your url and port
  1. docker-compose pull && docker-compose up --remove-orphans -d

Adding a Prometheus target

Once running, add the scrape endpoint to your prometheus.yml:

host.docker.internal is only needed if running on the same host as your prometheus container and on mac. For linux, use

. . .
  - job_name: 'anka build cloud'
      - targets: ['host.docker.internal:2112']

Using TLS

Protecting your metrics endpoint with TLS is possible using the web.config.file flag. It looks something like this:

-web.config.file web.config.yml or ANKA_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_WEB_CONFIG_FILE=web.config.yml

  cert_file: server.crt
  key_file: server.key

# Usernames and passwords required to connect.
# Passwords are hashed with bcrypt:
# basic_auth_users:
#   test: $2y$10$Cfzh3pBDQmxAuWyg87p.r.sRJvPkkdhf8iyF.WgXbHWi8BsTbhHWi

This allows you to protect your metrics endpoint with TLS/https. You'd then load your metrics endpoint with https://{URL}:2112/metrics.

Using Auth

You have two options for authentication with the Controller.

  1. If mtls is enabled on the controller, use -client-cert and -client-cert-key.
  2. If RTA is enabled, you can use basic auth through:
      -controller-username string
            Controller username with basic root token (username as arg)
      -controller-password string
            Controller password with basic root token (password as arg)

The -client-tls flag is not required if your controller certificate is signed with a major CA and no client authentication is configured. For all other TLS configuration options, like self signed scenarios, --tls must be enabled. For self signed certificates, you can either use -client-skip-tls-verification or provide your ca-cert with -client-ca-cert.

Exposed Metrics

Metric name Description
anka_controller_state_count Status of the Anka Controller (labels: state)
anka_registry_state_count Status of the Anka Registry (labels: state)
-- --
anka_instance_state_count Count of Instances in a particular State (labels: arch, state)
anka_instance_state_per_template_count Count of Instances in a particular state, per Template (labels: state, template_uuid, template_name)
anka_instance_state_per_group_count Count of Instances in a particular state, per Group (labels: state, group_name)
-- --
anka_instance_max_age_per_template_seconds Age of oldest Instance in a particular state, per Template (labels: state, template_uuid, template_name)
-- --
anka_node_instance_count Count of Instances running on the Node (labels: id, name, arch)
anka_node_instance_capacity Total Instance slots (capacity) on the Node (labels: id, name, arch)
anka_node_states Node state (1 = current state) (labels: id, name, state)
anka_node_states_count Count of Nodes in a particular state, per Architecture (labels: arch, state)
anka_node_disk_free_space Amount of free disk space on the Node in Bytes (labels: id, name, arch)
anka_node_disk_total_space Amount of total available disk space on the Node in Bytes (labels: id, name, arch)
anka_node_disk_anka_used_space Amount of disk space used by Anka on the Node in Bytes (labels: id, name, arch)
anka_node_cpu_core_count Number of CPU Cores in Node (labels: id, name, arch)
anka_node_cpu_util CPU utilization in node (labels: id, name, arch)
anka_node_ram_gb Total RAM available for the Node in GB (labels: id, name, arch)
anka_node_ram_util Total RAM utilized for the Node (labels: id, name, arch)
anka_node_used_virtual_cpu_count Total Used Virtual CPU cores for the Node (labels: id, name, arch)
anka_node_used_virtual_ram_mb Total Used Virtual RAM for the Node in MB (labels: id, name, arch)
-- --
anka_node_group_nodes_count Count of Nodes in a particular Group
anka_node_group_states_count Count of Groups in a particular State (labels: group, state)
anka_node_group_instance_count Count of Instances slots in use for the Group (and Nodes)
anka_node_group_disk_free_space Amount of free disk space for the Group (and Nodes) in Bytes
anka_node_group_disk_total_space Amount of total available disk space for the Group (and Nodes) in Bytes
anka_node_group_disk_anka_used_space Amount of disk space used by Anka for the Group (and Nodes) in Bytes
anka_node_group_cpu_core_count Number of CPU Cores for the Group (and Nodes)
anka_node_group_cpu_util CPU utilization for the Group (and Nodes)
anka_node_group_ram_gb Total RAM available for the Group (and Nodes) in GB
anka_node_group_ram_util Total RAM utilized for the Group (and Nodes)
anka_node_group_used_virtual_cpu_count Total Used Virtual CPU cores for the Group (and Nodes)
anka_node_group_used_virtual_ram_mb Total Used Virtual RAM for the Group (and Nodes) in MB
anka_node_group_instance_capacity Total Instance slots (capacity) for the Group (and Nodes)
-- --
anka_nodes_count Count of total Anka Nodes
anka_nodes_instance_count Count of Instance slots in use across all Nodes
anka_nodes_instance_capacity Count of total Instance Capacity across all Nodes, per Architecture (labels: arch)
anka_nodes_disk_free_space Amount of free disk space across all Nodes in Bytes
anka_nodes_disk_total_space Amount of total available disk space across all Nodes in Bytes
anka_nodes_disk_anka_used_space Amount of disk space used by Anka across all Nodes in Bytes
anka_nodes_cpu_core_count Count of CPU Cores across all Nodes
anka_nodes_cpu_util Total CPU utilization across all Nodes
anka_nodes_ram_gb Total RAM available across all Nodes in GB
anka_nodes_ram_util Total RAM utilized across all Nodes
anka_nodes_used_virtual_cpu_count Total Used Virtual CPU cores across all Nodes
anka_nodes_used_virtual_ram_mb Total Used Virtual RAM across all Nodes
-- --
anka_registry_disk_total_space Anka Build Cloud Registry total disk space
anka_registry_disk_free_space Anka Build Cloud Registry free disk space
anka_registry_disk_used_space Anka Build Cloud Registry used disk space
-- --
anka_registry_template_count Count of VM Templates in the Registry
anka_registry_template_disk_used Total disk usage of the Template in the Registry
anka_registry_template_tag_disk_used Total disk used by the Template's Tag in the Registry
anka_registry_template_tags_count Count of Tags in the Registry for the Template

Upgrading Considerations

current version target version notes
v3.x v4.x Client certs for mTLS were changed. You will need to update your config to the new --client-* flags.
v2.x v3.x The metrics anka_nodes_instance_capacity and anka_node_states_count are now split by architecture (label: arch). Almost all anka_node_* metrics now also include arch as a label. You must also be running the Anka Build Cloud Controller >= v1.22.0 as architecture was added in this version.


make build-and-run ARGUMENTS="--controller-username root --controller-password 1111111111"


go run -ldflags="-X main.version=$(cat VERSION) -X main.commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD)" main.go --controller-address http://anka.controller:8090


A service that communicates with the Anka Build Cloud and exports Prometheus metrics



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