Created and maintained by Veertu Inc.
This package retrieves data from your Anka Build Cloud and exports it for Prometheus at http://localhost/metrics.
Ensure you have a functioning Prometheus instance before using this.
ENVs take priority over flags
ENV | Flag |
ANKA_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_CONTROLLER_ADDRESS (string) | --controller-address (string) |
ANKA_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_INTERVAL (int) | --interval (int) |
ANKA_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_PORT (int) | --port (int) |
ANKA_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_CLIENT_SKIP_TLS_VERIFICATION (bool) | --client-skip-tls-verification |
ANKA_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_CLIENT_CA_CERT (string) | --client-ca-cert (string) |
ANKA_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_CLIENT_CERT (string) | --client-cert (string) |
ANKA_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_CLIENT_CERT_KEY (string) | --client-cert-key (string) |
ANKA_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_UAK_ID (string) | --uak-id (string) |
ANKA_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_UAK_PATH (string) | --uak-path (string) |
ANKA_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_UAK_STRING (string) | --uak-string (string) |
ANKA_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_WEB_CONFIG_FILE (string) | --web.config.file (string) |
ANKA_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_WEB_LISTEN_ADDRESS (string) | --web.listen-address (string) |
Usage of anka-prometheus-exporter:
-client-ca-cert string
Path to client CA PEM/x509 file (cert file path as arg)
-client-cert string
Path to client cert PEM/x509 file (cert file path as arg)
-client-cert-key string
Path to client key PEM/x509 file (cert file path as arg)
Skip client TLS verification (no args)
Enable client TLS (no args)
-controller-address string
Controller address to monitor (url as arg) (required)
-controller-password string
Controller basic auth password (password as arg)
-controller-username string
Controller basic auth username (username as arg)
Optimize interval according to /metric api requests received (no args)
-interval int
Seconds to wait between data requests to controller (int as arg) (default 15)
-uak-id string
UAK ID you wish to use for Controller requests (string as arg)
-uak-path string
Path to the UAK file used for Controller requests (path as arg) (supersedes -uak-string)
-uak-string string
String form (cat myUAK.pem | sed '1,1d' | sed '$d' | tr -d '\n') of the key file contents for Controller requests (string as arg)
-web.config.file string
Path to configuration file that can enable server TLS or authentication. See:
-web.listen-address :2112
Address on which to expose metrics and web interface. Examples: :2112 or `[::1]:2112` for http, `vsock://:2112` for vsock
can be set using an environment variable
- Download the appropriate binary (anka-prometheus-exporter) from the releases page
- Execute:
./anka-prometheus-exporter --controller_address http://{controller IP or URL}
- Create a
version: '3.1'
image: veertu/anka-prometheus-exporter:latest
container_name: anka-prometheus-exporter
- "2112:2112"
- ANKA_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_CONTROLLER_ADDRESS=http://anka.controller:8090 # change this to your url and port
docker-compose pull && docker-compose up --remove-orphans -d
Once running, add the scrape endpoint to your prometheus.yml:
is only needed if running on the same host as your prometheus container and on mac. For linux, use172.17.0.1
. . .
- job_name: 'anka build cloud'
- targets: ['host.docker.internal:2112']
Protecting your metrics endpoint with TLS is possible using the web.config.file
flag. It looks something like this:
-web.config.file web.config.yml
cert_file: server.crt
key_file: server.key
# Usernames and passwords required to connect.
# Passwords are hashed with bcrypt:
# basic_auth_users:
# test: $2y$10$Cfzh3pBDQmxAuWyg87p.r.sRJvPkkdhf8iyF.WgXbHWi8BsTbhHWi
This allows you to protect your metrics endpoint with TLS/https. You'd then load your metrics endpoint with https://{URL}:2112/metrics
You have two options for authentication with the Controller.
- If mtls is enabled on the controller, use
. - If RTA is enabled, you can use basic auth through:
-controller-username string Controller username with basic root token (username as arg) -controller-password string Controller password with basic root token (password as arg)
The -client-tls
flag is not required if your controller certificate is signed with a major CA and no client authentication is configured. For all other TLS configuration options, like self signed scenarios, --tls
must be enabled. For self signed certificates, you can either use -client-skip-tls-verification
or provide your ca-cert with -client-ca-cert
Metric name | Description |
anka_controller_state_count | Status of the Anka Controller (labels: state) |
anka_registry_state_count | Status of the Anka Registry (labels: state) |
-- | -- |
anka_instance_state_count | Count of Instances in a particular State (labels: arch, state) |
anka_instance_state_per_template_count | Count of Instances in a particular state, per Template (labels: state, template_uuid, template_name) |
anka_instance_state_per_group_count | Count of Instances in a particular state, per Group (labels: state, group_name) |
-- | -- |
anka_instance_max_age_per_template_seconds | Age of oldest Instance in a particular state, per Template (labels: state, template_uuid, template_name) |
-- | -- |
anka_node_instance_count | Count of Instances running on the Node (labels: id, name, arch) |
anka_node_instance_capacity | Total Instance slots (capacity) on the Node (labels: id, name, arch) |
anka_node_states | Node state (1 = current state) (labels: id, name, state) |
anka_node_states_count | Count of Nodes in a particular state, per Architecture (labels: arch, state) |
anka_node_disk_free_space | Amount of free disk space on the Node in Bytes (labels: id, name, arch) |
anka_node_disk_total_space | Amount of total available disk space on the Node in Bytes (labels: id, name, arch) |
anka_node_disk_anka_used_space | Amount of disk space used by Anka on the Node in Bytes (labels: id, name, arch) |
anka_node_cpu_core_count | Number of CPU Cores in Node (labels: id, name, arch) |
anka_node_cpu_util | CPU utilization in node (labels: id, name, arch) |
anka_node_ram_gb | Total RAM available for the Node in GB (labels: id, name, arch) |
anka_node_ram_util | Total RAM utilized for the Node (labels: id, name, arch) |
anka_node_used_virtual_cpu_count | Total Used Virtual CPU cores for the Node (labels: id, name, arch) |
anka_node_used_virtual_ram_mb | Total Used Virtual RAM for the Node in MB (labels: id, name, arch) |
-- | -- |
anka_node_group_nodes_count | Count of Nodes in a particular Group |
anka_node_group_states_count | Count of Groups in a particular State (labels: group, state) |
anka_node_group_instance_count | Count of Instances slots in use for the Group (and Nodes) |
anka_node_group_disk_free_space | Amount of free disk space for the Group (and Nodes) in Bytes |
anka_node_group_disk_total_space | Amount of total available disk space for the Group (and Nodes) in Bytes |
anka_node_group_disk_anka_used_space | Amount of disk space used by Anka for the Group (and Nodes) in Bytes |
anka_node_group_cpu_core_count | Number of CPU Cores for the Group (and Nodes) |
anka_node_group_cpu_util | CPU utilization for the Group (and Nodes) |
anka_node_group_ram_gb | Total RAM available for the Group (and Nodes) in GB |
anka_node_group_ram_util | Total RAM utilized for the Group (and Nodes) |
anka_node_group_used_virtual_cpu_count | Total Used Virtual CPU cores for the Group (and Nodes) |
anka_node_group_used_virtual_ram_mb | Total Used Virtual RAM for the Group (and Nodes) in MB |
anka_node_group_instance_capacity | Total Instance slots (capacity) for the Group (and Nodes) |
-- | -- |
anka_nodes_count | Count of total Anka Nodes |
anka_nodes_instance_count | Count of Instance slots in use across all Nodes |
anka_nodes_instance_capacity | Count of total Instance Capacity across all Nodes, per Architecture (labels: arch) |
anka_nodes_disk_free_space | Amount of free disk space across all Nodes in Bytes |
anka_nodes_disk_total_space | Amount of total available disk space across all Nodes in Bytes |
anka_nodes_disk_anka_used_space | Amount of disk space used by Anka across all Nodes in Bytes |
anka_nodes_cpu_core_count | Count of CPU Cores across all Nodes |
anka_nodes_cpu_util | Total CPU utilization across all Nodes |
anka_nodes_ram_gb | Total RAM available across all Nodes in GB |
anka_nodes_ram_util | Total RAM utilized across all Nodes |
anka_nodes_used_virtual_cpu_count | Total Used Virtual CPU cores across all Nodes |
anka_nodes_used_virtual_ram_mb | Total Used Virtual RAM across all Nodes |
-- | -- |
anka_registry_disk_total_space | Anka Build Cloud Registry total disk space |
anka_registry_disk_free_space | Anka Build Cloud Registry free disk space |
anka_registry_disk_used_space | Anka Build Cloud Registry used disk space |
-- | -- |
anka_registry_template_count | Count of VM Templates in the Registry |
anka_registry_template_disk_used | Total disk usage of the Template in the Registry |
anka_registry_template_tag_disk_used | Total disk used by the Template's Tag in the Registry |
anka_registry_template_tags_count | Count of Tags in the Registry for the Template |
current version | target version | notes |
v3.x | v4.x | Client certs for mTLS were changed. You will need to update your config to the new --client-* flags. |
v2.x | v3.x | The metrics anka_nodes_instance_capacity and anka_node_states_count are now split by architecture (label: arch ). Almost all anka_node_* metrics now also include arch as a label. You must also be running the Anka Build Cloud Controller >= v1.22.0 as architecture was added in this version. |
make build-and-run ARGUMENTS="--controller-username root --controller-password 1111111111"
go run -ldflags="-X main.version=$(cat VERSION) -X main.commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD)" main.go --controller-address http://anka.controller:8090