Rules: 2 players are asked to guess how many times a word is in a song. The closest answer to the correct one wins the round.
- Python
A Python code was developed to allow the following actions:
- Display a numbered dictionary of the available songs (Brazilian MPB music) for the player to choose from;
- Create a dictionary of lyrics that match the numbers of songs previously displayed;
- Ask the player to choose a song number;
- Display the chosen song name;
- Match the chosen song number to its lyrics;
- Ask for players' names;
- Generate a random word from a song;
- Clean lyrics and return the frequency of each word in it in a dictionary;
- Ask players to guess the random word frequency in the song;
- Display players' turns and asks each how many times the same word is in a song;
- Check which player got closer to the right answer and score points;
- Display the correct answer for the round and the current score for each player;
- Ask if players want to (1) continue or (2) end the game;
- If (1), a new random word is generated and players switch turns until they choose to end the game;
- If (2), displays final score and winner.
- Try out the game on the Jupyter Notebook available for this project, in which you can also check out more details of the code!
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