This project aimed at cleaning the "Global Shark Attacks" dataset ( in order to analyze the fatality incidence in the records and the profile of these fatal attacks considering the 'sex', 'age', 'country' and 'year' information provided.
- Python
- Pandas
- Numpy
- The original dataset was made of 25723 lines and 24 columns. After cleaning lines with over 22 null values in them, it was left with 6302 lines for the analysis.
- The 'fatal', 'sex' and 'age' columns were cleaned. Unwanted categories and specific errors that represented less than 1% of data were turned into nulls or replaced by a small correction.
- The 'fatal' column was left with 'y', 'n' and null values.
- The 'sex' column was left with 'm', 'f' and null values.
- The 'age' column was left with float and null values. If there were uncertain age values for a single person, the average of the values was used. If the record contained ages for more than a victim, each age turned into a different line and information from other columns were duplicated. The dataset ended up with 6332 lines.
- The 'age_groups' column was created to classify ages in the following intervals: 0-9, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-87.
- Data frames were created to analyze the total values and percentages of categories for these columns: 'fatal', 'sex', 'age_groups', 'fatal X sex', 'fatal X age_groups'.
- The 'country' and the 'year' columns were grouped by the 'fatal' column and the frequency of their values.
From the lines of 6332 records:
- Most attacks are not fatal (75.6% from 90.16% not nulls)
- Most fatal cases happen among males (22.44% from 82.83% not nulls)
(t% = total percentage, compared to all cases; r% = relative percentage, compared to cases from that group)
- Most fatal cases happen among ages 10-29 (over 65% from 50.55% not nulls)
(t% = total percentage, compared to all cases; r% = relative percentage, compared to cases from that group)
- The top 10 countries for fatal attacks are Australia, USA, South Africa, Papua New Guinea, Mexico, Brazil, Philippines, Reunion, New Zealand and Cuba
(country X total number of cases)
- The top 10 years for fatal attacks since 1960 are 2000, 1944, 1993, 1942, 1964, 1962, 1966, 1963, 1954 and 1960
(year X total number of cases)
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