a superfast and 100% working spammer on any social app like Whatsapp , Telegram , tweeter, Facebook , Instagram etc.
DISCLAIMER: The contents of this repository were written only for educational purposes and not to cause trouble or annoyance to any person or group of persons. The author of this repository is not responsible for any nuisance caused.
TO run this you need following to be installed on your system.
- python
- pyautogui
- webbrowser
steps to be followed
- make sure you have all the above requirements installed .
- now download the real_spammer.py file.
- go to any note app and type a message you want to send .
- now copy the message you want to send.
- close all whatsapp web sessions you have opened before.
- now open the real_spammer.py file.
- loginto whatsapp web which opens after openning the file.
- click on the chat you want to spam and wait 20sec.
- BOOM the spammer started noww.
NOte:: ! There are may files and i will continue to add new one according to their purpose which will be explained here.
- For superfast spamming use realspammer.py
- for slow kill only hello word use hellokill.py
to stop the spammer simply close the real_spammer.py file as soon as possible.
PRECAUTIONS 1. DO not use this spammer to annoy anyone , use this for fun and educational perpose only. 2. Excess use of this spammer may lead to suspension of your account. 3. use this at your own responsibility the author o this code is not responsibly of any wrong use of this by users