FluentLenium helps you writing readable, reusable, reliable and resilient UI functional tests for the browser.
FluentLenium provides a Java fluent interface to Selenium, and brings some magic to avoid common issues faced by Selenium users.
FluentLenium is shipped with adapters for JUnit, TestNG and Cucumber, but it can also be used standalone.
FluentLenium best integrates with AssertJ, but you can also choose to use the assertion framework you want.
FluentLenium 3.x is still in development and includes latest enhancements and features, but Selenium 3 and Java 8 are required to run it.
Starting from FluentLenium 3.1.0 you can use all sparks of Java 8, including lambdas. It is a nice extension in
comparison to Selenium 3 which is still basing on Guava objects. Please take a look on documentation to find await
lambda usage example.
FluentLenium 1.x is in maintenance state, and no new feature will be added anymore. It requires Selenium 2 and Java 7, but can also be used with Java 8. Selenium 3 is not supported in this version though.
- Add dependencies to your
<!-- jetty websocket is currently required by htmlunit-driver -->
- Create a Fluent Test.
import org.fluentlenium.adapter.junit.FluentTest;
import org.fluentlenium.core.hook.wait.Wait;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
public class DuckDuckGoTest extends FluentTest {
public void title_of_duck_duck_go_should_contain_search_query_name() {
- Run as a JUnit test.
More FluentLenium examples are available on github.
# Documentation
Full documentation is available on fluentlenium.org, or in the docs sources directory.
If you have any comment, remark or issue, please open an issue on FluentLenium Issue Tracker