This is the old-fashioned game we used to play when we were kids. We usually used to take a piece of paper from our school notebooks, always from the middle of the notebook. Then we used to draw vertical lines and put the headers 'City', 'Village', 'Country', 'River', and 'Mountain'. Sometimes we added additional columsn like 'Fruit' and 'Personal Name', giving some other dimension and specific flavor to the game.
And now this is a try to revive it and give it a little digitalized life to it.
The rules are:
- Get a random letter, which is generated by the application.
- Write the name of the terms in their respective column, and the term should start with the given letter.
- There is a timer for each game which you need to beat and write all the terms before it elapses to 0.
- Hit the Check button and wait for the results.
- Every correct answer is awarded 20 points, every wrong answer is punished by -5 points, and every empty field is calculated as 0 points.
- The goal is to achieve as many points as possible. If all terms are answered correctly then 100 points are calculated per letter game.
- Based on the points the player is awarded with respective geographic explorer titles.