The 'server' folder should be placed separately from the 'client' folder in order to avoid constant reloads.
- Has a login page
- Has the main dashboard with all opened accounts (you can create new accounts and sort them)
- In each account you can send money
- The default account receives 'test' transfers from the test server
- Can exchange currencies on the corresponding page
- Exchange page has a websocket feed
- place the 'server' separately from the this root
- Install all necessary dependancies in both folders
npm i
- from the 'server' folder run
npm start
- In the this root run
npm run dev
- Make the production build
npm run build
- Move to /dist folder
cd dist
- If you have [serve] package installed run
serve -s
- Otherwise run
npx serve -s
Type 'y' in the terminal when promted
Open the localhost
You can run cypress tests with
npm run cypress:open