A real-time media player thats run on your browser and you controls in your smartphone.
- Project: http://vagnersantana.com/player.io
- Post about the project: http://openblog.github.com/2013/03/15/player.io
Made using just JavaScript.
- Node.js
- Socket.io
- Express
- File Access API
- HTML5 Audio and Video
- Blobs URLs
- jQuery Mobile
- Jade Template Engine
If you want run application in localhost, follow the instructions below:
Install Git and Node.JS, if you don't have them already.
After Git and Node.JS installed:
- Clone the repository
$ git clone git@github.com:<your-github-username>/player.io.git
- Enter in the folder
$ cd player.io
- Instal dependences
$ sudo npm install
- Run app.js
$ node app.js
- Open on your browser
Obs.: To test the Player.IO on your smartphone you need a online server.
- Code is under MIT license © Vagner Santana