8 commits
to main
since this release
Changes since 1.3
oneMath (previously named oneMKL)
- Renamed oneMKL to oneMath
- Added programmatic versioning
- Significantly updated sparse BLAS APIs
- Improved type safety of DFT set_value and get_value APIs
- Const-qualified USM pointers for input matrices in LAPACK APIs
- Added out-of-place BLAS trmm and trsm APIs
- Added sparse BLAS APIs to support creation of matrices in the coordinate (COO) format
- Added beta and gamma distribution RNG device APIs
- Introduced external workspace for DFT APIs
- Supported more datatypes and extended parameter type for some RNG distribution device APIs
- Added alpha parameter to sparse BLAS trsv
- Added sorted_by_rows property to sparse BLAS matrix properties
- Constrained data_type in real-real in-place DFT APIs
- Constrained alpha and beta parameters to have same memory type in sparse BLAS APIs
- Fixed bugs
- no changes
- no changes
- Added a specification version macro
- Defined requirements for oneDPL header files
- Added new algorithms: transform_if, sort_by_key, stable_sort_by_key, histogram
- Added parallel range algorithms: 22 new algorithms in namespace oneapi::dpl::ranges
- Improved specifications of execution policies, iterators, and buffer wrappers and restructured the Parallel API section for improved access to these specification sections
- Improved C++ standard compliance of random number generators
- Added a specification version macro
- Added the specification of blocked_rangeNd
- no changes