1. Reference Dependencies from Maven in your build.sbt
val hlf_api_version = "0.19.0"
val hlf_api = "de.upb.cs.uc4" % "hlf-api" % hlf_api_version
lazy val yourProject = (project in file(".")).dependencies(hyperledger_api)
- the Connections (Class and Trait) you want to access
import de.upb.cs.uc4.hyperledger.connections.cases.ConnectionMatriculation
import de.upb.cs.uc4.hyperledger.connections.traits.ConnectionMatriculationTrait
- the Managers you need service from
import de.upb.cs.uc4.hyperledger.utilities.EnrollmentManager
import de.upb.cs.uc4.hyperledger.utilities.RegistrationManager
Any Communication with the Network will happen through our designated interface and methods provided. These Methods can throw different types of Exceptions as described in https://github.com/upb-uc4/api/blob/develop/hlf_scala_api_errors.md In General these are
- TransactionException :: you invoked the chaincode/contract in a wrong/invalid manner
- NetworkException :: you could not build a connection to the specified network.
- HyperledgerException :: something unexpected happened with the HLF framework
0. Configure your connection variables (These are used to let the framework know how to access YOUR UC4-hlf-network)
- general information on the network
protected val walletPath: Path = "/hyperledger_assets/wallet/" // the directory containing your certificates.
protected val networkDescriptionPath: Path = Paths.get(sys.env.getOrElse("UC4_CONNECTION_PROFILE", "./hlf-network/assets/connection_profile_kubernetes_local.yaml")) // the file describing the existing network.
protected val channel: String = "mychannel" // name of the shared channel a connection is requested for.
protected val chaincode: String = "uc4-cc" // name of the chaincode a connection is requested for.
- for user-management
protected val tlsCert: Path = "/hyperledger_assets/ca_cert.pem" // CA-certificate to have your client validate that the Server you are talking to is actually the CA.
private val NODE_IP: String = sys.env.getOrElse("UC4_KIND_NODE_IP", "") // Node IP from [test setup](https://github.com/upb-uc4/hlf-api/blob/develop/docs/test/README.md)
protected val caURL: String = s"https://$NODE_IP:30907" // "" - address of the CA-server.
protected val username: String = "test-admin" // this should in most cases be the name of the .id file in your wallet directory.
protected val password: String = "test-admin-pw" // a password used to register a user and receive/set a certificate for said user when enrolling.
protected val organisationId: String = "org1MSP" // the id of the organisation the user belongs to. (MSP-ID)
protected val organisationName: String = "org1" // the name of the organisation the user belongs to. (AFFILIATION)
0.5 (optional) Register a user (only possible if you already obtained an admin certificate through the enrollment-process)
val enrollmentId: String = "TestUser123" // new user to be registered.
val adminUserName: String = "test-admin" // current existing adminEntity in our production network.
val organisationName: String = "org1" // current organisation name in our production network.
val maxEnrollments: Integer = 1 // number of times the user can be enrolled/re-enrolled with the same username-password combination (default = 1)
val newUserType: String = HFCAClient.HFCA_TYPE_CLIENT // permission level of the new user (default = HFCAClient.HFCA_TYPE_CLIENT)
val newUserPassword: String = RegistrationManager.register(tlsCert, caURL, newUserName, adminUserName, walletPath, organisationName, maxEnrollments)
Any Enrollment "publishes" your newly registered user. It Creates/Signs your Certificate and stores the signedCertificate on the ledger. This user is registered and can now be enrolled with his enrollmentId and enrollmentSecret.
val enrollmentId: String = "TestUser123" // new user to be enrolled
val enrollmentSecret: String = "Test123" // new user password (retrieve from registration-process)
This enrollment generates a new KeyPair for the newly enrolled user. This means we need to store the new X509Identity (configured with an organisationId) in a wallet.
EnrollmentManager.enroll(caURL, tlsCert, walletPath, enrollmentId, enrollmentSecret, organisationId, channel, chaincode, networkDescriptionPath)
To have the enrollment sign your provided Certificate Signing Request, you need to pass said CSR.
val CSR: String = "Some CSR String" // passed "Certificate Signing Request".
To perform a secure enrollment you need an admin identiy executing it.
val adminName: String = "test-admin" // admin identity used to store the signedCertificate on the Ledger.
val adminWalletPath: Path = "/hyperledger_assets/wallet/" // directory containing your admin certificate.
Now the secure enrollment can be preformed.
val signedCertificate: String = EnrollmentManager.enrollSecure(caURL, tlsCert, enrollmentId, enrollmentSecret, adminName, adminWalletPath, channel, chaincode, networkDescriptionPath)
Simply create an object of the connection for the contract that you want to access and provide the credentials for your username in the given wallet.
val connection: ConnectionMatriculationTrait =
de.upb.cs.uc4.hyperledger.connections.cases.ConnectionMatriculation(username, channel, chaincode, walletPath, networkDescriptionPath)
try {
val result = connection.addEntryToMatriculationData(matriculationId, fieldOfStudy, semester)
} catch {
case e_t: TransactionException => HandleError(e_t) // The transaction you have called seems to be invalid. Please refer to e_t.payload for a detailed message.
case e_h: HyperledgerInnerException => HandleError(e_h) // something seems to have gone wrong with the framework, please submit a bugReport :)
For more info on our different connections and transactions they offer, please refer to our API definition.