Created by Team 34 for COMPSCI 399.
This website allows instructors to create, management, assign and track quizzes for their students. These quizzes can be used for any subject, but we made it with Spatial Skills testing in mind. We ensured that individual questions could be timed, and that interactive questions are easily implemented to allow for this.
This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
Our website is hosted at, and we used the Jira project management system.
Some sample quiz and questions can be found in /samples
. These can be imported into the website for testing.
- Server
- Next.js v12.2.5
- NextAuth.js v4.10.3
- Typescript
- Prisma v4.5.0
- Apollo Server Micro v3.10.2
- GraphQL
- Frontend
- React v18.2.0
- TailwindCSS v3.1.8
- HeadlessUI v1.6.6
- fontawesome v6.1.2
- csv-parse v5.3.0
- fast-xml-parser v4.0.9
- formik v2.2.9
- Apollo Client v3.6.9
- React Markdown v8.0.3
- random-seed v0.3.0
- chart.js v3.9.1
- Hosting
- AWS RDS Database (Postgres)
First, download the repo and install all the required packages:
git clone
cd Website
npm install
Then, you will need to configure Prisma:
npx prisma generate
Finally, run the development server:
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to access the website.
Name | Description |
NEXTAUTH_URL | Base URL for the website |
NEXTAUTH_SECRET | Secret for generating keys |
DATABASE_URL | URL to postgres database |
GITHUB_ID | GitHub OAuth ID |
GITHUB_SECRET | GitHub OAuth Secret |
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET | Google OAuth Secret |
For local development, you can include these variables in a .env
file in the root directory.
Here is an example:
This website is almost complete, but run out of time for:
- MOODLE question export
- Question editing
- Better statistic exporting
- Comprehensive user testing
In the future, it would be nice to implement:
- More interactive question types
- A safer backend, which does more validation and security checks
- Refractoring. Cleaner code would make the website easier to maintain
- Extensive statistics, with more graphs!