A "Post-VuePress Era" Documentation Theme
📖 Live Documentation
📚 VuePress Docs With This Theme
VT is now in maintenance mode and will be deprecated in the future. For a next-gen SSG, please check out Rspress.
- Compatibility: fully compatible with VuePress's Default Theme.
- Full-text search: No server dependencies, distinguishing locales.
- Dark Mode
- Enhanced Sidebar: Nested Sidebar Group、Sidebar Nav Links.
- TypeScript Support
- Homepage
- API Page
- Global Status
- Code Switcher
- i18n, Code Copy, TOC, etc.
- ...
I made this theme to combine better eXperience and current huge VuePress ecosystem, and introducing some built-in features like Full-text search, i18n etc.
npm i vuepress-theme-vt -D
// .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
theme: "vt",
won't exist without @vue/theme
and VuePress ecosystem:
If my code has helped you, please consider sponsoring me. I'd like to thank these awesome companies for sponsoring me:
You can donate through the following channels:
- Become a backer or sponsor on Patreon..
- Github Sponsors (WIP).
MIT License © ULIVZ