A package that provides the kite power system models as described in KiteModels.jl, WinchModels.jl, KitePodModels.jl and AtmosphericModels.jl with a Python interface. For now, only working on Linux. If you need Windows support, please create a GitHub issue.
Could also be extended with an interface for Matlab/ Simulink. If you need that, please create a GitHub issue.
Check that systemctl
is installed on your system:
which systemctl
Expected output:
or similar.
If you are using a docker container, please install docker systemctl replacement before you continue.
Check out this repository with git:
git clone https://github.com/ufechner7/pykitemodels.git
cd pykitemodels
You can use the bash script bin/install
to install pixi
and Julia, to add the alias jl and py
for starting Julia and Python and to configure ipython
. Just execute point one to seven.
cd bin
Expected output:
(pykitemodels) ufechner@ufryzen:~/repos/pykitemodels/bin$ ./install
1) Install pixi
2) Install ipython config file
3) Install juliaup
4) Install Julia 1.10
5) Initial install of Julia packages
6) Add alias for jl and py to ~/.bashrc
7) Install modelserver.service
8) Update Julia packages
9) Quit
Please enter your choice, 9 to quit: 9
Detailed installation instruction with using the install script
curl -fsSL https://pixi.sh/install.sh | bash
First, install the Julia installer juliaup
curl -fsSL https://install.julialang.org | sh
Then, install Julia with the commands:
juliaup add 1.10
juliaup default 1.10
Julia 1.10 is the current stable version at the time of writing, you can also use juliaup
to install any other version.
Python (pixi) projects
Remark: Not needed if you just checkout this git repository.
pixi init new_project
cd new_project
pixi add python==3.8.19
pixi add ipython
pixi add numpy
By default conda
packages are installed, but with the parameter --pypi
you can also install packages from the Python package index PyPI. You can specify version numbers, if you don't then the newest compatible version is installed.
pixi shell
This gives you a project-specific prompt. From this prompt, you can launch for example ipython
Further reading: https://pixi.sh/latest/basic_usage/
Alternatively, just use the script bin/run_python
Managing Julia projects without using the install script
Launch Julia with
julia --project
Then, execute in the Julia REPL:
using Pkg
Launch Julia with
julia --project
Then, execute in the Julia REPL:
using Pkg
In the bash terminal, type
bin/modelserver start
Other options are stop
, restart
and status
Running the model server for testing and debugging
Start Julia by typing jl
, and then execute:
julia> "include(\"model_server.jl\")
Creating a systemd service manually
An example service file is provided: utils/modelserver.service.template
To install it, use the script bin/install
and select option seven.
Enable it with
sudo systemctl enable modelserver.service
Start it with
sudo systemctl start modelserver.service
After 10 s, check if it works with
sudo systemctl status modelserver.service
Expected output:
fechner@ufryzen:/etc/systemd/system$ sudo systemctl status modelserver.service
● modelserver.service - provide http functions for kite simulation
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/modelserver.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Fri 2024-07-19 12:25:56 CEST; 20s ago
Main PID: 41969 (run_modelserver)
Tasks: 21 (limit: 37416)
Memory: 445.5M
CPU: 7.768s
CGroup: /system.slice/modelserver.service
├─41969 /bin/bash /home/ufechner/repos/pykitemodels/bin/run_modelserver
└─41973 /home/ufechner/.julia/juliaup/julia-1.10.4+0.x64.linux.gnu/bin/julia --project -t 2 --gcthreads=2,1 -e "include(\"model_server.jl\")"
jul 19 12:26:02 ufryzen run_modelserver[41973]: / __ \_ ____ ______ ____ ____
jul 19 12:26:02 ufryzen run_modelserver[41973]: / / / / |/_/ / / / __ `/ _ \/ __ \
jul 19 12:26:02 ufryzen run_modelserver[41973]: / /_/ /> </ /_/ / /_/ / __/ / / /
jul 19 12:26:02 ufryzen run_modelserver[41973]: \____/_/|_|\__, /\__, /\___/_/ /_/
jul 19 12:26:02 ufryzen run_modelserver[41973]: /____//____/
jul 19 12:26:02 ufryzen run_modelserver[41973]: [ Info: 📦 Version 1.5.12 (2024-06-18)
jul 19 12:26:02 ufryzen run_modelserver[41973]: [ Info: ✅ Started server:
jul 19 12:26:02 ufryzen run_modelserver[41973]: [ Info: 📖 Documentation:
jul 19 12:26:02 ufryzen run_modelserver[41973]: [ Info: 📊 Metrics:
Open a new bash terminal, then execute bin/run_python
or use the alias py
. Finally, execute:
In [1]: %run src/model_client.py
Expected output: The first and second state of a simulation as dictionaries.
Start ipython with py
, and then execute:
In [1]: %run test/test_stress.py
Expected output:
Time, elevation: 0.05 71.19
Time, elevation: 29.90 68.93
Time, elevation: 29.95 68.93
Time, elevation: 30.00 68.92
Errors: 0
Start ipython with py
, and then execute:
In [3]: %run test/test_error.py
Expected output:
Time, elevation: 0.05 71.19
Time, elevation: 67.45 1.11
Time, elevation: 67.50 0.75
Time, elevation: 67.55 0.40
AssertionError("height > 0")
Error in step()
Errors: 1
Using the command
from src.model_client import *
you can import the following functions:
- set_data_path(path)
- set_set(setdict)
- init()
- step(set_speed = None, set_torque=None, v_wind_gnd=6.0, wind_dir=0.0, depower=0.25, steering=0.0)
- sys_state()
- settings()
- get_errors()
- get_last_error()
- clear_errors()
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Please see the below WAIVER in association with the license.
Technische Universiteit Delft hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the package “pykitemodels” (models of airborne wind energy systems) written by the Author(s).
Prof.dr. H.G.C. (Henri) Werij, Dean of Aerospace Engineering
If you like this software, please consider donating to https://gofund.me/508e041b .