fugo - fun with Go. gomobile OpenGL game
- Requirements
- Building the INVADER application
- Building the ARENA server
- How does the INVADER application locate the ARENA server?
- INVADER runtime flags
Created by gh-md-toc
go get github.com/udhos/fugo
cd ~/go/src/github.com/udhos/fugo
1. Install latest Go
There are many other ways, this is a quick recipe:
git clone github.com/udhos/update-golang
cd update-golang
sudo ./update-golang.sh
2. Install Android NDK
Download Android Studio - https://developer.android.com/studio
Unzip Android Studio:
$ tar xf /tmp/android-studio-ide-191.5791312-linux.tar.gz
Run Android Studio:
$ ~/android-studio/bin/studio.sh &
Select: Configure -> SDK Manager -> SDK Tools -> NDK
Click the Apply button.
Define SDK env vars. For example:
export ANDROID_HOME=~/Android/Sdk
export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=$ANDROID_HOME/ndk/20.0.5594570 ;# watch out the version
3. Install gomobile
go get golang.org/x/mobile/cmd/gomobile
gomobile version
#gomobile init -ndk $NDK ;# no longer used?
4. Install OpenGL dev libs
On Ubuntu you will need these:
sudo apt install libegl1-mesa-dev libgles2-mesa-dev libx11-dev
5. Install alsa sound dev libs
On Ubuntu you will need this:
sudo apt install libasound2-dev
6. Get fugo
go get github.com/udhos/fugo
7. Build for desktop
go install -tags gldebug github.com/udhos/fugo/demo/invader
Hint: You can test the desktop version by running 'invader':
$ (cd demo/invader && invader slow)
The parameter 'slow' sets a very low frame rate, useful for test/debugging. If you want smooth rendering, remove the parameter 'slow'.
The subshell is used to temporarily enter the demo/invader dir in order to load assets from demo/invader/assets.
8. Build for Android
gomobile build -target=android github.com/udhos/fugo/demo/invader
Hint: Use 'gomobile build -x' to see what the build is doing.
$ gomobile build -x github.com/udhos/fugo/demo/invader
9. Push into Android device
gomobile install github.com/udhos/fugo/demo/invader
10. Build the server
$ go install github.com/udhos/fugo/arena
10. Run the server
$ (cd demo/invader && arena)
The arena server needs to load image information from demo/invader/assets.
The Invader application will continously try two methods to reach the server:
a) The Invader application will send a discovery request to UDP If there is an Arena server in the LAN, it will respond reporting its TCP endpoint. This local discovery is useful for quickly deploying a local Arena server. It depends on multicasting on the local network.
b) The Invader application will try to connect to the Arena server specified in the file server.txt:
$ more demo/invader/assets/server.txt
The TCP endpoint hard-coded in the file server.txt is included in the APK file. You will need to rebuild and redeploy the application to change it. This option is useful for deploying public Arena server on the Internet.
You can tweak the app behavior by changing these files before gomobile build:
demo/invader/assets/box.txt - bool (file_exists=true)
demo/invader/assets/server.txt - string host:port (TCP endpoint for server)
demo/invader/assets/slow.txt - bool (file_exists=true)
demo/invader/assets/trace.txt - string host:port (UDP endpoint for logs)
Add this to AndroidManifest.xml:
<activity android:name="org.golang.app.GoNativeActivity"
Reverse Binding https://www.slideshare.net/takuyaueda967/mobile-apps-by-pure-go-with-reverse-binding
slides 65-67 from https://pt.slideshare.net/takuyaueda967/go-for-mobile-games
RunOnJVM added to gomobile:
Old info on RunOnJVM: https://gist.github.com/tenntenn/aae3d14d0df4884ac4e7