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Source code for Maple Bacon's team website.

Build Instructions (Nix)

Install Nix on any Linux (WSL2 on Windows) or macOS computer, and enable the flakes and nix-command experimental features (experimental-features = nix-command flakes in /etc/nix/nix.conf).


git clone
nix develop

and within the nix develop shell,

jekyll <build|serve>

Build Instructions (system Ruby)

Ensure you have Ruby and Bundler installed:

ruby -v
gem install bundler

Clone this repository, set up bundle to install to this directory, and install project dependencies locally.

git clone
bundle config path 'vendor/bundle' --local
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll <build|serve>

Care and feeding of the gemset

When updating gems, if you are not in a nix develop shell, please make sure that you have BUNDLE_FORCE_RUBY_PLATFORM=true set in your environment, or in .bundle/config. This works around a bug in bundix by forcing the gem infrastructure to build native extensions from source.

After changing the gems, run lock-gems from the nix develop shell (or, bundix -l). This will update gemset.nix, used by the Nix infrastructure to automatically grab the proper Jekyll.

Creating a new author

Create a new file with the following contents at the path _authors/{short_name}.md:

  • short_name: Your alias, must match your author file name. No spaces. This will displayed on blog posts and the article list.
  • name: Your name or nickname for the about page.
  • position: Categories you play in. Can be any or multiple of the following, comma separated:
    • Web
    • Crypto
    • Misc
    • Rev
    • Pwn
  • website: Link to your website or a social media account.
  • website_title: Pretty name of your website - the content within the <a> tag.
  • layout: must be author


short_name: hackerman
name: John Doe
position: Web,Crypto,Misc,Rev,Pwn
layout: author
Some description.

Finally, open a PR.

Creating blog posts

Create a new file with the following contents at the path _posts/{yyyy}-{mm}-{dd}-{ctf_name}-{challenge_name}.md:

  • layout: must be author
  • title: Name of your blog post, format is "[{ctf_name}] {challenge_name}"
  • author: Authors short_name. Author must already exist in _authors/, see creating a new author.


layout: post
title: "[FakeCTF 2024] Challenge Name"
author: hackerman

Post contents support *markdown*!

If your post has any assets place them in assets/ and link the path appropriately in the post contents.


We should probably standardize the assets/ format. It's currently a bit of a mess.

Finally, test the post locally and open a PR.