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Typora Plugin Templater

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This a plugin based on typora-community-plugin for Typora.

Create content from template:

  • paste the content to current note
  • create markdown file with the content



Paste note from template

const title = await tp.quickInput({ placeholder: 'Input note\'s title' })
const type = await tp.quickPick(
  ['book', 'video', 'music'], 
  { placeholder: 'Pick note\'s type' },

const icon = type === 'book' ? '📕' 
  : type == 'video' ? '🎞' 
  : '🎵'

# {{icon}} {{title}}

Create note from template

const title = await tp.quickInput({ placeholder: 'Input note\'s title' })
const type = await tp.quickPick(
  ['book', 'video', 'music'], 
  { placeholder: 'Pick note\'s type' },

const icon = type === 'book' ? '📕' 
  : type == 'video' ? '🎞' 
  : '🎵'

tp.writeNoteTo(title)  // The file path will be saved, it is relative to your vault's path

# {{icon}} {{title}}


global variable: tp

  • quickInput(options?): Promise<string>
    • options: { placeholder?: string }
  • quickPick(items: string[], options?): Promise<string | string[]>
    • options: { placeholder?: string, canPickMany?: boolean }

      If canPickMany is false, quickPick() will return string If canPickMany is true, quickPick() will return string[]

  • writeNoteTo(path: string): void