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Dotted syntax (via lambda) for TypedColumns #449

merged 9 commits into from
Sep 6, 2021
37 changes: 15 additions & 22 deletions dataset/src/main/scala/frameless/TypedColumn.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ import shapeless.ops.record.Selector
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import scala.language.experimental.macros

sealed trait UntypedExpression[T] {
def expr: Expression
def uencoder: TypedEncoder[_]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -864,8 +866,7 @@ object SortedTypedColumn {
implicit def caseTypedColumn[T, U : CatalystOrdered] = at[TypedColumn[T, U]](c => defaultAscending(c))
implicit def caseTypeSortedColumn[T, U] = at[SortedTypedColumn[T, U]](identity)


object TypedColumn {
/** Evidence that type `T` has column `K` with type `V`. */
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -896,26 +897,18 @@ object TypedColumn {
i1: Selector.Aux[H, K, V]
): Exists[T, K, V] = new Exists[T, K, V] {}

/** Compute the intersection of two types:
* - With[A, A] = A
* - With[A, B] = A with B (when A != B)
* This type function is needed to prevent IDEs from infering large types
* with shape `A with A with ... with A`. These types could be confusing for
* both end users and IDE's type checkers.
trait With[A, B] { type Out }

trait LowPrioWith {
type Aux[A, B, W] = With[A, B] { type Out = W }
protected[this] val theInstance = new With[Any, Any] {}
protected[this] def of[A, B, W]: With[A, B] { type Out = W } = theInstance.asInstanceOf[Aux[A, B, W]]
implicit def identity[T]: Aux[T, T, T] = of[T, T, T]
* {{{
* import frameless.TypedColumn
* case class Foo(id: Int, bar: String)
* val colbar: TypedColumn[Foo, String] = TypedColumn { foo: Foo => }
* val colid = TypedColumn[Foo, Int](
* }}}
def apply[T, U](x: T => U): TypedColumn[T, U] =
macro TypedColumnMacroImpl.applyImpl[T, U]

object With extends LowPrioWith {
implicit def combine[A, B]: Aux[A, B, A with B] = of[A, B, A with B]
84 changes: 84 additions & 0 deletions dataset/src/main/scala/frameless/TypedColumnMacroImpl.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
package frameless

import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox

private[frameless] object TypedColumnMacroImpl {

def applyImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag, U: c.WeakTypeTag](c: whitebox.Context)(x: c.Tree): c.Expr[TypedColumn[T, U]] = {
import c.universe._

val t = c.weakTypeOf[T]
val u = c.weakTypeOf[U]

def buildExpression(path: List[String]): c.Expr[TypedColumn[T, U]] = {
val columnName = path.mkString(".")

c.Expr[TypedColumn[T, U]](q"new _root_.frameless.TypedColumn[$t, $u]((org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col($columnName)).expr)")

def abort(msg: String) = c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, msg)

def path(in: Select, out: List[TermName]): List[TermName] =
in.qualifier match {
case sub: Select =>
path(sub, :: out)

case id: Ident => :: :: out

case u =>
abort(s"Unsupported selection: $u")

def check(current: Type, in: List[TermName]): Boolean = in match {
case next :: tail => {
val sym = current.decl(next).asTerm

if (!sym.isStable) {
abort(s"Stable term expected: ${current}.${next}")

check(, tail)

case _ =>

x match {
case fn: Function => fn.body match {
case select: Select if =>
val expectedRoot: Option[String] = fn.vparams match {
case List(rt) if rt.rhs == EmptyTree =>

case List(rt) =>

case u =>
abort(s"Select expression must have a single parameter: ${u mkString ", "}")

path(select, List.empty) match {
case root :: tail if (
expectedRoot.forall(_ == root) && check(t, tail)) => {
val colPath = tail.mkString(".")

c.Expr[TypedColumn[T, U]](q"new _root_.frameless.TypedColumn[$t, $u]((org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col($colPath)).expr)")

case _ =>
abort(s"Invalid select expression: $select")

case t =>
abort(s"Select expression expected: $t")

case _ =>
abort(s"Function expected: $x")
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions dataset/src/main/scala/frameless/TypedDataset.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ import shapeless.labelled.FieldType
import shapeless.ops.hlist.{Diff, IsHCons, Mapper, Prepend, ToTraversable, Tupler}
import shapeless.ops.record.{Keys, Modifier, Remover, Values}

import scala.language.experimental.macros

/** [[TypedDataset]] is a safer interface for working with `Dataset`.
* NOTE: Prefer `TypedDataset.create` over `new TypedDataset` unless you
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,6 +240,17 @@ class TypedDataset[T] protected[frameless](val dataset: Dataset[T])(implicit val
): TypedColumn[T, A] =
new TypedColumn[T, A](dataset([A](TypedExpressionEncoder[A]))

/** Returns `TypedColumn` of type `A` given a lambda indicating the field.
* {{{
* td.col(
* }}}
* It is statically checked that column with such name exists and has type `A`.
def col[A](x: Function1[T, A]): TypedColumn[T, A] =
macro TypedColumnMacroImpl.applyImpl[T, A]

/** Projects the entire TypedDataset[T] into a single column of type TypedColumn[T,T]
* {{{
* ts: TypedDataset[Foo] = ...
Expand Down
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions dataset/src/main/scala/frameless/With.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package frameless

/** Compute the intersection of two types:
* - With[A, A] = A
* - With[A, B] = A with B (when A != B)
* This type function is needed to prevent IDEs from infering large types
* with shape `A with A with ... with A`. These types could be confusing for
* both end users and IDE's type checkers.
trait With[A, B] { type Out }

object With extends LowPrioWith {
implicit def combine[A, B]: Aux[A, B, A with B] = of[A, B, A with B]

private[frameless] sealed trait LowPrioWith {
type Aux[A, B, W] = With[A, B] { type Out = W }

protected[this] val theInstance = new With[Any, Any] {}

protected[this] def of[A, B, W]: With[A, B] { type Out = W } =
theInstance.asInstanceOf[Aux[A, B, W]]

implicit def identity[T]: Aux[T, T, T] = of[T, T, T]
20 changes: 19 additions & 1 deletion dataset/src/test/scala/frameless/ColumnTests.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import ceedubs.irrec.regex.gen.CharRegexGen.genCharRegexAndCandidate

import scala.math.Ordering.Implicits._

class ColumnTests extends TypedDatasetSuite with Matchers {
final class ColumnTests extends TypedDatasetSuite with Matchers {

private implicit object OrderingImplicits {
implicit val sqlDateOrdering: Ordering[SQLDate] =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -438,4 +438,22 @@ class ColumnTests extends TypedDatasetSuite with Matchers {

"'_2).field('_3))" shouldNot typeCheck

test("col through lambda") {
case class MyClass1(a: Int, b: String, c: MyClass2)
case class MyClass2(d: Long)

val ds = TypedDataset.create(Seq(MyClass1(1, "2", MyClass2(3L)), MyClass1(4, "5", MyClass2(6L))))

assert(ds.col(_.a).isInstanceOf[TypedColumn[MyClass1, Int]])
assert(ds.col(_.b).isInstanceOf[TypedColumn[MyClass1, String]])
assert(ds.col(_.c.d).isInstanceOf[TypedColumn[MyClass1, Long]])

"ds.col(_.c.toString)" shouldNot typeCheck
"ds.col(_.c.toInt)" shouldNot typeCheck
"ds.col(x => java.lang.Math.abs(x.a))" shouldNot typeCheck

// we should be able to block the following as well...
"ds.col(_.a.toInt)" shouldNot typeCheck
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions dataset/src/test/scala/frameless/ColumnViaLambdaTests.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
package frameless

import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import shapeless.test.illTyped

case class MyClass1(a: Int, b: String, c: MyClass2, g: Option[MyClass4])
case class MyClass2(d: Long, e: MyClass3)
case class MyClass3(f: Double)
case class MyClass4(h: Boolean)

final class ColumnViaLambdaTests extends TypedDatasetSuite with Matchers {

def ds = {
MyClass1(1, "2", MyClass2(3L, MyClass3(7.0D)), Some(MyClass4(true))),
MyClass1(4, "5", MyClass2(6L, MyClass3(8.0D)), None)))

test("col(_.a)") {
val col = TypedColumn[MyClass1, Int](_.a) shouldEqual Seq(1, 4)

test("col(x => x.a") {
val col = TypedColumn[MyClass1, Int](x => x.a) shouldEqual Seq(1, 4)

test("col((x: MyClass1) => x.a") {
val col = TypedColumn { (x: MyClass1) => x.a } shouldEqual Seq(1, 4)

test("col((x: MyClass1) => x.c.e.f") {
val col = TypedColumn { (x: MyClass1) => x.c.e.f } shouldEqual Seq(7.0D, 8.0D)

test("col(_.c.d)") {
val col = TypedColumn[MyClass1, Long](_.c.d) shouldEqual Seq(3L, 6L)

test("col(_.c.e.f)") {
val col = TypedColumn[MyClass1, Double](_.c.e.f) shouldEqual Seq(7.0D, 8.0D)

test("col(_.c.d) as int does not compile (is long)") {
illTyped("TypedColumn[MyClass1, Int](_.c.d)")

test("col(_.g.h does not compile") {
val col = ds.col(_.g) // the path "ends" at .g (can't access h)

test("col(_.a.toString) does not compile") {

test("col(_.a.toString.size) does not compile") {

test("col((x: MyClass1) => x.toString.size) does not compile") {
illTyped("""ds.col((x: MyClass1) => x.toString.size)""")

test("col(x => java.lang.Math.abs(x.a)) does not compile") {
illTyped("""col(x => java.lang.Math.abs(x.a))""")