Modal keybinds and prompts for wezterm
NOTICE: I've since decided to take development of this plugin more seriously. As a result, please consider it to be pre-release. Things may (will) change. And they may (probably) break. I will treat version 3.0.0 as the first stable release to avoid changing the versions of older releases. For now, the docs below refer to version 2.
A super simple set of helper methods (plugin?) to create custom "modes" using the key_tables
functionality of wezterm.
Using this plugin, we decide on a modifier and a set of keys that will trigger certain modes.
By default, CTRL
is the modifier. There is currently no way to have different modes under different modifiers.
There is currently no way to have nested modes. This feature is on the roadmap.
To install this script, place wezmode.lua from the latest release in your wezterm config directory. This is usually $HOME/.config/wezterm
Once the script is installed. Sweet nothing will happen. Let's move on to usage.
-- wezterm.lua
local wezterm = require("wezterm")
-- 1. Import wezmode into your `wezterm.lua` config.
local wezmode = require("wezmode")
-- 2. Call the setup function to generate your keymaps,
-- key tables and mode texts (The text in the status bar)
name = "pane", -- the name that will show in the status bar for the mode
key = "p", -- the key you'll use with your modifier to enter the mode
modeColor = "#89b4fa", -- the color of the mode indicator
keyTable = {
key = "r",
desc = "right",
action = wezterm.action.SplitHorizontal({ domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" })
-- more keybinds here
-- some more modes here
-- 3. Set up the right status text to use our modes
-- 4. Add our modes to our wezterm config
return {
-- other config options
keys = wezmode.getKeys(),
key_tables = wezmode.getKeyTables(),
See the next section (Advanced usage) for more complex configurations.
An optional config can be supplied as the second argument for wezmode.setup
The default config is as follows:
modifier = "CTRL", -- follows the same modifier syntax as wezterm key maps
hintSeparator = "/", -- the character that separates each hint
theme = {
normalModeColor = "red", -- the color to use for the normal mode indicator
hintColor = "green", -- the color to use for the key hints
modeTextColor = "black", -- the text color for the mode indicators
textColor = "white", -- the basic text color
For example if we want to use Ctrl & Alt
for our modifier:
-- modes here as usual
modifier = "CTRL|ALT"
This plugin also supports HYPER
as modifiers. Under the hood they expand to CMD|ALT|CTRL|SHIFT
The modifier hint will show the "shortcut" text rather than the expanded modifier.
By using only wezmode.getKeys
and wezmode.getKeyMaps
to set our keybinds, we are limited to using bindings only defined in our wezmode.setup
call. To use other key maps we can use wezmode.extendTable
For example if we wanted to use ALT+Arrow Keys to navigate between panes as well as use our mode config:
-- wezterm.lua
return {
-- the rest of your config...
keys = wezmode.extendTable({
{ mods = "ALT", key = "LeftArrow", action = wezterm.action { ActivatePaneDirection = "Left" } },
{ mods = "ALT", key = "RightArrow", action = wezterm.action { ActivatePaneDirection = "Right" } },
{ mods = "ALT", key = "UpArrow", action = wezterm.action { ActivatePaneDirection = "Up" } },
{ mods = "ALT", key = "DownArrow", action = wezterm.action { ActivatePaneDirection = "Down" } },
}, wezmode.getKeys()),
-- extendTable can also work with `key_tables`
If you want to get the text used in the status to set it manually we can use wezmode.getModeText
For example let's remove the call to wezmode.handleRightStatusUpdate
and replace it with:
wezterm.on('update-right-statuis', function(window)
window:set_right_status(wezmode.getModeText(window:active_key_table() or "normal"))
This will behave the same as wezmode.handleRightStatusUpdate
but allows us to extend the behavior or use the mode text in other ways.
local wezterm = require('wezterm')
local wezmode = require("wezmode")
-- custom vars
local resize_amount = 3;
local wezmodeConfig = {
theme = {
textColor = "white",
hintColor = "#a6e3a1",
normalModeColor = "#cba6f7",
modeTextColor = "#11111b",
name = "pane",
key = "p",
modeColor = "#89b4fa",
keyTable = {
{ key = "r", desc = "right", action = wezterm.action.SplitHorizontal({ domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" }) },
{ key = "n", desc = "new", action = wezterm.action.SplitHorizontal({ domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" }) },
{ key = "d", desc = "down", action = wezterm.action.SplitVertical({ domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" }) },
{ key = "x", desc = "close", action = wezterm.action.CloseCurrentPane({ confirm = false }) },
{ key = "s", desc = "select", action = wezterm.action.PaneSelect },
-- Cancel the mode by pressing escape
{ key = "Escape", desc = "back", action = "PopKeyTable" },
name = "resize",
key = "n",
modeColor = "#fab387",
keyTable = {
{ key = "h", desc = "left", action = wezterm.action.AdjustPaneSize({ "Left", resize_amount }) },
{ key = "l", desc = "right", action = wezterm.action.AdjustPaneSize({ "Right", resize_amount }) },
{ key = "k", desc = "up", action = wezterm.action.AdjustPaneSize({ "Up", resize_amount }) },
{ key = "j", desc = "down", action = wezterm.action.AdjustPaneSize({ "Down", resize_amount }) },
-- Cancel the mode by pressing escape
{ key = "Escape", desc = "back", action = "PopKeyTable" },
name = "move",
key = "h",
modeColor = "#f38ba8",
keyTable = {
{ key = "n", desc = "Rotate next", action = wezterm.action.RotatePanes('Clockwise') },
-- Cancel the mode by pressing escape
{ key = "Escape", desc = "back", action = "PopKeyTable" },
name = "tab",
key = "t",
modeColor = "#a6e3a1",
keyTable = {
{ key = "n", desc = "new", action = wezterm.action.SpawnTab("CurrentPaneDomain") },
{ key = "h", desc = "left", action = wezterm.action.ActivateTabRelative(-1) },
{ key = "l", desc = "right", action = wezterm.action.ActivateTabRelative(1) },
{ key = "x", desc = "close", action = wezterm.action.CloseCurrentTab({ confirm = false }) },
-- Cancel the mode by pressing escape
{ key = "Escape", desc = "back", action = "PopKeyTable" },
}, wezmodeConfig)
return {
font = wezterm.font("VictorMono Nerd Font Mono", { weight = "DemiBold" }),
use_fancy_tab_bar = false,
tab_max_width = 50,
window_padding = { left = 4, right = 2, top = 1, bottom = 0 },
font_size = 15,
keys = wezmode.extendTable({
-- pane moving
{ mods = "ALT", key = "LeftArrow", action = wezterm.action { ActivatePaneDirection = "Left" } },
{ mods = "ALT", key = "RightArrow", action = wezterm.action { ActivatePaneDirection = "Right" } },
{ mods = "ALT", key = "UpArrow", action = wezterm.action { ActivatePaneDirection = "Up" } },
{ mods = "ALT", key = "DownArrow", action = wezterm.action { ActivatePaneDirection = "Down" } },
}, wezmode.getKeys()),
key_tables = wezmode.getKeyTables(),