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veramo-credential-ld-semaphore aims to facilitate a comprehensive review of the integration between Semaphore, a zero-knowledge proof framework, and W3C-related standards such as Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and Verifiable Credentials. Initially developed as part of the tw-did project, this repository extracts the code related to Semaphore and Veramo integration for a more focused evaluation.

This project leverages the Veramo package, specifically @veramo/credential-ld, to expand the JSON-LD format with custom algorithms. Our integration focuses on two main classes: SemaphoreSignature2023 and SemaphoreKeyManagementSystem.


We are bridging Semaphore and W3C standards by using the Veramo framework. Veramo offers a modular approach to conform to W3C standards, such as DIDs and Verifiable Credentials. Our integration is implemented via the @veramo/credential-ld package, which allows for the extension of Verifiable Credentials in JSON-LD format.

How It Works

Main Components

  • SemaphoreSignature2023: This class is responsible for generating and verifying proofs. It extends the VeramoLdSignature interface from Veramo to integrate Semaphore functionality.

  • SemaphoreKeyManagementSystem: This class is used for storing relevant information concerning Semaphore.


When a user invokes agent.createVerifiableCredential() and sets proofFormat to lds, Veramo calls SemaphoreSignature2023 via CredentialIssuerLD and the corresponding algorithm name to generate and verify proofs.

Getting Started

In this example, a Semaphore identity has already been added to a Semaphore group. You can generate and verify proofs through a series of function calls.

Firstly, make sure to install the required packages by running:

npm install

You can then perform the following actions by running npm start:

  • new Identity(): Generate a new Semaphore identity.
  • agent.didManagerImport(): Import the generated identity into Veramo as a hidden identity.
  • agent.createVerifiableCredential(): Generate a proof that a specific identity belongs to a particular Semaphore group.
  • agent.verifyCredential(): Verify the proof generated in the previous step.

This set of functions will guide you through the process of generating and verifying proofs in a Semaphore group using Veramo's functionalities.

Create a Semaphore credential

When the agent.createVerifiableCredential() function is called, it actually passes through a complex chain of packages before ultimately reaching SemaphoreSignature2023.createProof(). The flow of function calls goes through the following packages in sequence:

  1. agent
  2. @veramo/credential-w3c
  3. @veramo/credential-ld
  4. @digitalcredentials/vc
  5. @digitalcredentials/jsonld-signatures

create a Semaphore credential

Known Issue and Future Work

During this extensive workflow, a limitation was encountered: the @digitalcredentials/vc package seems to support only Node.js environments, lacking browser compatibility. However, it's important to note that this example does not include the re-implemented credential-ld from the tw-did project, as the sample code provided here runs only in a Node.js environment, not in a browser.

Hidden Identity: Using did:web for Anonymity

In this project, we leverage a DID (Decentralized Identifier) method known as did:web to serve as a hidden identity marker. Since Semaphore's goal is to prove membership within a group without revealing one's identity, having a hidden identifier becomes crucial.

This special identifier is hosted at tw-did/hidden and can be accessed using the DID URI The publicKeyHex of this identifier is set to "00000000000000", allowing anyone to use it as a hidden identity marker.

We chose did:web for its flexibility in adding custom algorithms, like our Semaphore2023. In contrast, methods like did:key or did:ethr require more effort to adapt new algorithms, making did:web a more time-efficient choice for our project.

Example Usage

In your main.ts file, you can import this hidden identity as follows:

// create mock sempahore identity
const identity = new Identity('TOP-SECRET-KEY');

// import the identity but use hidden publicKeyHex
const holder = await agent.didManagerImport({
  did: '',
  provider: 'did:web',
  keys: [
      kid: 'default',
      kms: SEMAPHORE_KMS,
      type: SEMAPHORE_TYPE,
      privateKeyHex: identity.toString(),

In this code snippet, privateKeyHex contains the actual secret identifier, while publicKeyHex is filled with the constant SEMAPHORE_HIDDEN_PUBLIC_KEY, which corresponds to "00000000000000". When agent.createVerifiableCredential() is called, @veramo/credential-ld will search for the matching key using this publicKeyHex, allowing the imported key to be identified and used for generating the credential.


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