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SIMAS is a dynamically typed, compiled, high level, procedural programming language


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The SIMAS Programming Language

Created by: Turrnut
Current Version v2.0
SIMAS, which is an acronym for SIMple ASsembly, is a dynamically typed, compiled, high level, procedural programming language with a syntax that is inspired by the Assembly programming language.
Initially I wrote SIMAS as a simple toy language in the span of three days, but I keep adding features to it so it became what it is today.
In SIMAS, each line starts with an instruction, optionally followed by one or more operands, just like Assembly.

The instruction and its operands are separated a space character and one space only. If there are multiple spaces, the program might enter unexpected behavior. Also, lines of code are separated by semicolons, as new lines are ignored.

SIMAS is case-sensitive, although instructions and data types are not.

To run a SIMAS program, compile it first using the simasc compiler, it should generate a .csa file, then run the .csa file with simas

Additional Notes
To access arguments within a function, use $ followed by a number. For example, $0 is the first argument, $1 is the second argument, and so on.
If you want to be polite to SIMAS, you can add PLEASE (case-insensitive) and a space character in front of any instruction. However, SIMAS will ignore your politeness by ignoring PLEASE.
For example, PLEASE PRINTC Hello!; and PRINTC Hello!; does the same thing.
All occurences of \n will be replaced with a new line, and \\ with \.

If you're on a UNIX system(MacOS, Linux) and can't run the simasc, try running chmod +x ./simasc, same thing applies to simas



- bool : a boolean value.

- num : a number, can be an integer or a decimal

- str : a string of characters


- @

  • all code after @ in the current line is ignored, until a semicolon is seen. this is a comment feature

- add

  • add the value of OPERAND 2 and 3 (as of now can only handle num) the value will be assigned to OPERAND 2, if it is a variable name
  • OPERAND 1: the data type of both OPERAND 2 and 3
  • OPERAND 2: the first addend, optionally being a variable name
  • OPERAND 3: the second addend, optionally being a variable name

- and

  • performs logical operation AND on OPERAND 2 and 3; the value will be assigned to OPERAND 2, if it is a variable name
  • OPERAND 1: the data type of both OPERAND 2 and 3 (as of now can only handle bool)
  • OPERAND 2: the first boolean variable, optionally being a variable name
  • OPERAND 3: the second boolean variable, optionally being a variable name

- call

  • call the function
  • OPERAND 1: the name of the function
  • OPERAND 2 and all even numbered operands beyond that: can only be either v, c, or b which specifies the mode of the argument. v is followed by a variable name, c is followed by a str or num constant, while b is followed by a bool constant.
  • OPERAND 3 and all odd numbered operands beyond that: value of the argument

- conv

  • Convert to a different data type
  • OPERAND 1: name of variable
  • OPERAND 2: target data type

- copy

  • copy a variable's value to another
  • OPERAND 1: the name of the variable copying from
  • OPERAND 2: the name of the variable copying to

- div

  • performs operation of OPERAND 2 divide OPERAND 3 (as of now can only handle num) the value will be assigned to OPERAND 2, if it is a variable name
  • OPERAND 1: the data type of both OPERAND 2 and 3
  • OPERAND 2: the dividend, optionally being a variable name
  • OPERAND 3: the divisor, optionally being a variable name

- end

  • marking the end of a function, conditional, or loop
  • OPERAND 1: as of now can only handle functions, so the only possible value is fun

- eqc

  • equal to comparison operator. value will be assigned to the variable at OPERAND 1, if it is a variable name
  • ATTENTION: please use this ONLY when OPERAND 2 is a variable name and OPERAND 3 is a constant
  • OPERAND 1: data type of OPERANDS 2 and 3
  • OPERAND 2: name of first variable
  • OPERAND 3: a constant

- eqv

  • equal to comparison operator. value will be assigned to the variable at OPERAND 1, if it is a variable name
  • ATTENTION: please use this ONLY whend dealing with two variables
  • OPERAND 1: data type of OPERANDS 2 and 3
  • OPERAND 2: name of first variable
  • OPERAND 3: name of second variable

- fun

  • define a function
  • OPERAND 1: name of the function
  • OPERAND 2: number of parameters the function would accept

- gt

  • greater than comparison operator. value will be assigned to the variable at OPERAND 1, if it is a variable name
  • OPERAND 1: the data type of both OPERAND 2 and 3
  • OPERAND 2: the first value, optionally being a variable name
  • OPERAND 3: the second value, optionally being a variable name

- gte

  • greater than or equal to comparison operator. value will be assigned to the variable at OPERAND 1, if it is a variable name
  • OPERAND 1: the data type of both OPERAND 2 and 3
  • OPERAND 2: the first value, optionally being a variable name
  • OPERAND 3: the second value, optionally being a variable name

- import

  • execute the contents of another .simas file
  • OPERAND 1: path to the file

- jump

  • jump to a label. this is an unconditional jump
  • OPERAND 1: name of the label

- jumpv

  • jump to a label. this is a conditional jump
  • OPERAND 1: name of the label
  • OPERAND 2: name of a variable. if true, will jump to the label

- label

  • define a label
  • labels MUST be defined in a line prior to the line in which it is used
  • OPERAND 1: name of the label

- mul

  • performs operation of OPERAND 2 multiply OPERAND 3 (as of now can only handle num) the value will be assigned to OPERAND 2, if it is a variable name
  • OPERAND 1: the data type of both OPERAND 2 and 3
  • OPERAND 2: the first factor, optionally being a variable name
  • OPERAND 3: the second factor, optionally being a variable name

- neqc

  • not equal to comparison operator. value will be assigned to the variable at OPERAND 1, if it is a variable name
  • ATTENTION: please use this ONLY when OPERAND 2 is a variable name and OPERAND 3 is a constant
  • OPERAND 1: data type of OPERANDS 2 and 3
  • OPERAND 2: name of first variable
  • OPERAND 3: a constant

- neqv

  • not equal to comparison operator. value will be assigned to the variable at OPERAND 1, if it is a variable name
  • ATTENTION: please use this ONLY whend dealing with two variables
  • OPERAND 1: data type of OPERANDS 2 and 3
  • OPERAND 2: name of first variable
  • OPERAND 3: name of second variable

- not

  • negation logical operator
  • OPERAND 1: name of the variable to be negated

- or

  • performs logical operation OR on OPERAND 2 and 3; the value will be assigned to OPERAND 2, if it is a variable name
  • OPERAND 1: the data type of both OPERAND 2 and 3 (as of now can only handle bool)
  • OPERAND 2: the first boolean variable, optionally being a variable name
  • OPERAND 3: the second boolean variable, optionally being a variable name

- print

  • print something to the console.
  • OPERAND 1: The name of the variable which the information is stored

- printc

  • print a constant to the console.
  • OPERAND 1: The constant being printed

- println

  • print a new line

- prints

  • print a space

- quit

  • quits the program

- read

  • read from a file
  • OPERAND 1: path to the file
  • OPERAND 2: name of a variable to store the data of the file in

- ret

  • signal the end of the execution of function. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT to include this at the end of every function(before end fun;) because otherwise the function will be stuck in an infinite loop
  • OPERAND 1: optional, but should be used when the function has a return value. put v if OPERAND 2 is a variable name, c if it a str or num constant, and b if it is a bool constant
  • OPERAND 2: optional, but required if operand 1 is present. this operand specifies the return value. note: the return value will be stored in a variable called $functionName. For example, the return value for a function like addThree would be stored in a variable called $addThree.

- server

  • make a server that hosts a static website
  • OPERAND 1: path to the directory containing static website files
  • OPERAND 2: port number

- set

  • assign a value to a variable.
  • OPERAND 1: the type of value. If the operand here is "in", then the value of the user input will be stored at this variable, with str type
  • OPERAND 2: the name of the variable
  • OPERAND 3: the value you wish to assign

- st

  • smaller than comparison operator. value will be assigned to the variable at OPERAND 1, if it is a variable name
  • OPERAND 1: the data type of both OPERAND 2 and 3
  • OPERAND 2: the first value, optionally being a variable name
  • OPERAND 3: the second value, optionally being a variable name

- ste

  • smaller than or equal to comparison operator. value will be assigned to the variable at OPERAND 1, if it is a variable name
  • OPERAND 1: the data type of both OPERAND 2 and 3
  • OPERAND 2: the first value, optionally being a variable name
  • OPERAND 3: the second value, optionally being a variable name

- sub

  • performs operation of OPERAND 2 minus OPERAND 3 (as of now can only handle num) the value will be assigned to OPERAND 2, if it is a variable name
  • OPERAND 1: the data type of both OPERAND 2 and 3
  • OPERAND 2: the subtrahend, optionally being a variable name
  • OPERAND 3: the minuend, optionally being a variable name

- write

  • write to a file after erasing all of its contents
  • OPERAND 1: path of the file
  • OPERAND 2: text to write

- writev

  • write to a file after erasing all of its contents. same as write but writing variables
  • OPREAND 1: path of the file
  • OPERAND 2: name of the variable whose contents will be written to the file.