This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 2149371 and 2149414. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
The BACE package ( helps researchers implement and run their own Bayesian Adaptive Choice Experiment (BACE). BACE allows researchers to elicit preferences quickly and efficiently using a dynamic experimental framework.
The BACE package provides a BACE application template that will be implemented upon installation together with other helpful tools. You can then modify the provided BACE application to your specific setting.
Example output from the BACE package template:
- A BACE application hosted directly on AWS:
You can either use the AWS-hosted BACE application as in the example above, or integrate it with platforms such as Qualtrics and SurveyCTO:
- A Qualtrics integration of the BACE application using the provided Qualtrics template:
Users of the package should cite the following:
We welcome any comments or interest in contributing to further develop the package. Please contact:
- Marshall Drake (
- Linh Tô (
- Neil Thakral (
- Fernando Payró (
BACE users are referred to the package's Manual.