Startup Job is a sample project to search startup jobs scraped from various websites written in Elixir/Phoenix(Backend) and React/Redux(Frontend).
This project is an umbrella project.
- Customer app is for processing data and rendering contents.
- Scraper app is for scraping data from websites.
I created this app to understand Elixir/OTP and get more familliar with React.
- React
- Redux
- Elixir
- Phoenix
- Elasticsearch
- styled-components
- Elixir 1.4+
- Phoenix 1.3+
- Node 7.0+
- PostgreSQL 9.4+
- Elasticsearch
Get the repo.
% git clone
Install Elasticsearch in local environment.
Change username and password of PostgreSQL
% vi apps/customer/config/dev.exs
Setup your environment.
% cd apps/customer % mix deps.get % mix ecto.setup % cd assets % npm install
Scrape data
% cd ../../scraper % mix deps.get % iex -S mix % Scraper.Site.Accel.Show.perform("http://google/com", "Test", "Software engineer", "San Francisco, CA, US", :test) % Scraper.Site.A16z.Show.perform("http://google/com", "Sample", "Senior software engineer", "Seattle, WA, US", :test) % Scraper.Site.Sequoia.Show.perform("http://google/com", :test) % Customer.Builder.EsReindex.perform
Create a new OAuth account(URL) (Optional. Google OAuth account is needed to login and logout)
1. Click `Create credentials` and Choose OAuth client ID 2. Select Web Application and Set Authorizedredirect URIs as `http://localhost:4000/auth/google/callback` 3. Set Client ID, Client secret and Authorized redirect URI of your OAuth account in apps/customer/config/dev.exs
Run customer application.
% cd ../customer % mix phx.server
Verify that the app is up and running.
% open http://localhost:4000
- Make Selenium work in background in server.
- Enable users to download their favorite jobs in csv.
- Synchronize favorite jobs with Google Sheets.
The project is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Please create an issue.