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Security: trysca/.github



Security Policy

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you discover a security vulnerability in Trysca, we appreciate your help in disclosing it to us responsibly. To report a major security vulnerability, please follow these steps:

  • Do not create a GitHub issue for the vulnerability. Instead, send an email to

  • Provide detailed information about the vulnerability, including steps to reproduce it and any potential impact.

  • If the vulnerability is accepted and verified, we will acknowledge your contribution by granting you the "Bug Hunter" role on our Discord support server.

Please do not use the official Discord support server or any other public servers to report security vulnerabilities, as it could potentially expose sensitive information to others. Email communication is more secure for discussing such matters.

Reporting General Bugs

For general bugs such as misspelled commands, errors in emojis, or other non-security related issues, we encourage you to report them on our Discord support server. These reports contribute to the overall improvement of Trysca's performance and usability. Additionally, we have a "Bug Hunter" role that will be awarded after a certain number of bug reports, as a way of recognizing and thanking our active community members.

Exploiting Bugs

We take the security of our bot seriously. Exploiting bugs or vulnerabilities maliciously is strictly prohibited and may result in a ban from using the bot. We appreciate your help in keeping Trysca safe and secure for all users.

Bug Bounty

As a token of our appreciation for your responsible disclosure, we offer the "Bug Hunter" role to individuals who contribute by reporting security vulnerabilities and bugs to us. This role will be granted to you on our Discord server. Please remember that we expect responsible and ethical behavior in disclosing any security-related findings.

Thank you for helping us keep Trysca and its users safe and secure.

Note: This file is a guideline and does not guarantee any specific course of action. Security practices and policies may vary based on the development team's discretion and decisions.

There aren’t any published security advisories