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Truefoundry Google Cloud Control Plane Module


Name Version
terraform ~> 1.4
google ~> 6.21
random ~> 3.6


Name Version
google ~> 6.21
random ~> 3.6


Name Source Version
postgresql-db GoogleCloudPlatform/sql-db/google//modules/postgresql 23.0.0
service_account_iam_bindings terraform-google-modules/iam/google//modules/service_accounts_iam 8.0.0
service_accounts terraform-google-modules/service-accounts/google 4.5.0
truefoundry_gcs terraform-google-modules/cloud-storage/google//modules/simple_bucket 9.1.0


Name Type
google_compute_global_address.default resource
google_service_networking_connection.default resource
random_password.truefoundry_db_password resource


Name Description Type Default Required
cluster_name Truefoundry deployment unique name string n/a yes
mlfoundry_k8s_namespace The k8s mlfoundry namespace string "truefoundry" no
mlfoundry_k8s_service_account The k8s mlfoundry service account name string "mlfoundry-server" no
project_id GCP Project string n/a yes
region region string n/a yes
svcfoundry_k8s_namespace The k8s svcfoundry namespace string "truefoundry" no
svcfoundry_k8s_service_account The k8s svcfoundry service account name string "servicefoundry-server" no
tags A map of tags to add to all resources map(string) {} no
truefoundry_db_availability_type Postgres availability type for the master instance. Accepted values are [ZONAL, REGIONAL]. Chose REGIONAL for HA string "REGIONAL" no
truefoundry_db_database_charset Charset for the default database string "UTF8" no
truefoundry_db_database_collation Collation for the default database string "en_US.UTF8" no
truefoundry_db_database_name Name of the database string "ctl" no
truefoundry_db_deletion_protection Enable deletion protection bool false no
truefoundry_db_disk_autoresize Automically increase storage size bool true no
truefoundry_db_disk_autoresize_limit Automically increase storage size number 30 no
truefoundry_db_disk_size Disk size of the master instance number 20 no
truefoundry_db_disk_type Disk size of the master instance string "PD_SSD" no
truefoundry_db_edition The edition of the instance, can be ENTERPRISE or ENTERPRISE_PLUS string null no
truefoundry_db_enable Enable CloudSQL database bool true no
truefoundry_db_enable_override Enable override for truefoundry db name. You must pass truefoundry_db_override_name bool false no
truefoundry_db_network_cidr Network CIDR for the truefoundry postgres database. Minimum range is /28. This CIDR must be different from the main subnet where your cluster is getting created. This subnet is created inside the GCP's network. string "" no
truefoundry_db_override_name Override name for truefoundry db. truefoundry_db_enable_override must be set true string "" no
truefoundry_db_postgres_version Postgres version of cloudSQL string "POSTGRES_15" no
truefoundry_db_tier Instance class for SQL DB string "db-custom-1-3840" no
truefoundry_db_zone Zone for SQL DB - This must match the region string "" no
truefoundry_gcs_cors_origins Allowed CORS origin for GCS bucket list(string)
truefoundry_gcs_enable_override Enable override for GCS bucket name. You must pass truefoundry_gcs_override_name bool false no
truefoundry_gcs_enabled Enable creation of GCS bucket bool false no
truefoundry_gcs_force_destroy Enable force destroy on GCS bucket bool true no
truefoundry_gcs_override_name Override name for GCS bucket. truefoundry_gcs_enable_override must be set true string "" no
vpc_id ID of the network VPC string n/a yes


Name Description
bucket_name GCS bucket name
bucket_url GCS bucket URL
database_name Database's name
database_password Database's password
database_username Database's username
instance_ip_address Database instance IP address
instance_name Database instance name
instance_self_link Self link of the database
instance_server_ca_cert Self link of the database server ca cert
instance_service_account_email_address Service account email address
instances n/a
primary n/a
private_ip_address Private IP address of the database instance
serviceaccount_binding_service_accounts Serviceaccount bindings
serviceaccount_detail Serviceaccount details
serviceaccount_email Serviceaccount email
serviceaccount_iam_email Serviceaccount IAM email
serviceaccount_members Serviceaccount members
serviceaccount_roles Serviceaccount roles