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Truefoundry AWS Network Module


Name Version
terraform ~> 1.4
aws ~> 5.57


Name Version
aws ~> 5.57


Name Source Version
aws-vpc-module terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws 5.19.0
vpc_flow_logs_bucket terraform-aws-modules/s3-bucket/aws 3.7.0


Name Type
aws_vpc_endpoint.s3 resource
aws_iam_policy_document.flow_logs_bucket_policy data source
aws_subnet.private_subnets data source
aws_subnet.public_subnets data source


Name Description Type Default Required
aws_account_id AWS account ID string n/a yes
aws_region VPC region string n/a yes
azs Availability Zones list(string) n/a yes
cluster_name AWS EKS cluster name needed for Shared cluster string "" no
enable_nat_gateway Enable NAT Gateway - This is necessary for the cluster to work bool true no
flow_logs_bucket_enable_override Enable override for s3 bucket name. You must pass flow_logs_bucket_override_name bool false no
flow_logs_bucket_encryption_algorithm Algorithm used for encrypting the default bucket. string "AES256" no
flow_logs_bucket_encryption_key_arn ARN of the key used to encrypt the bucket. Only needed if you set aws:kms as encryption algorithm. string null no
flow_logs_bucket_force_destroy Force destroy for the default bucket. bool false no
flow_logs_bucket_override_name Override name for s3 bucket. flow_logs_bucket_enable_override must be set true string "" no
flow_logs_enable Enable VPC flow logs bool false no
one_nat_gateway_per_az One NAT Gateway for each AZ. bool false no
private_subnet_extra_tags Extra tags for VPC private subnets map(string) {} no
private_subnets_cidrs Assigns IPv4 private subnet id based on the Amazon provided /56 prefix base 10 integer (0-256). Must be of equal length to the corresponding IPv4 subnet list list(string) [] no
private_subnets_ids SHIM: Private Subnets IDs list(string) [] no
public_subnet_extra_tags Extra tags for VPC public subnets map(string) {} no
public_subnets_cidrs Assigns IPv4 public subnet id based on the Amazon provided /56 prefix base 10 integer (0-256). Must be of equal length to the corresponding IPv4 subnet list list(string) [] no
public_subnets_ids SHIM: Public Subnets IDs list(string) [] no
shim If true will not create the network and forward the input values to the same outputs. bool false no
single_nat_gateway Single NAT Gateway, shared for all AZ and subnets bool true no
tags AWS Tags common to all the resources created map(string) {} no
vpc_cidr The CIDR block for the VPC. string "" no
vpc_id SHIM: VPC Id string "" no


Name Description
availability_zones List of availability zones for VPC
private_subnets_cidrs List of private subnet CIDRs in the VPC
private_subnets_id List of private subnet IDs in the VPC
public_subnets_cidrs List of public subnet CIDRs in the VPC
public_subnets_id List of public subnet IDs in the VPC
region AWS region of VPC
vpc_id VPC ID of the network