- Description
- Features
- Highlights
- Example work flow
- Default Keymaps
- Installation
- Configuration
- Screenshots
Powerful searching and navigation plugin that makes VIM an IDE based on GNU find, ripgrep( rg ), and cscope.
Text search in multiple files based on rg
Support literal or regex based patterns
Support user specified file types
Configurable search options (case-sensitive, whole-word, regex, recursive)
cscope wrapper
Find all references to a symbol
Find all callers of a symbol (function only)
Find all callees of a symbol (function only)
Call-tree generator
Caller tree of a symbol
Callee tree of a symbol
Search history
The history of all search requests (cscope or rg) is preserved and displayed in QHistory buffer
The last browsed position (selected item in the QResult window) of each search is preserved; it makes the navigation between multiple search results much easier
Integrated find utility
- Integrated GNU find utility and preview; sort by modified time, file size, file names, and containing folders; open by associated programs
Traditional grep-like search is one dimensional, and the subsequent grep results overwrites the previous one. This plugin essentially implements a two-level navigation tree
The first level is the history of past search requests displayed in the QHistory window (as shown in the screenshot), in which the user can easily trace back what keywords/symbols have been searched earlier
The second level is the traditional grep/cscope results displayed in the QResult window, where the user can navigate among the results of a particular search
The user can easily navigate across the two levels
This approach is especially useful for studying and navigation inside a large or unfamiliar code base.
Start a search with option configuration
<Leader>g to search a symbol with rg, configure file types, base directory, and other options (case, whole-word, etc.)
<Leader>s to search a symbol with cscope
Search with last configured options
- <Leader>l
Navigate between search results inside the 'QResult' window
- Double-click items in "QResulst" (search result) window to view the corresponding code
Navigate between history search requests
- Double-click items in "QHistory" (Search History) window for previous search results
Note the default key is '\'
Keymap | Command | Description |
<Leader>s | :Isymb<CR> | Find symbol with |
<Leader>d | :Idefi<CR> | Find global definition |
<Leader>c | :Icall<CR> | Find callees |
<Leader>b | :Icaby<CR> | Find callers |
<Leader>f | :Ifile<CR> | Find files by name |
<Leader>i | :Iincl<CR> | Find include files |
<Leader>l | :Ilast<CR> | Find with last grep options |
<Leader>g | :Igrep<CR> | Find with grep ( rg ) |
<Leader>r | :Icallertree<CR> | Draw caller tree of current symbol |
<Leader>e | :Icalleetree<CR> | Draw callee tree of current symbol |
Keymap | Description |
? | help message |
<Double-Click> | Preview |
v | Preview and move to the next file |
v | Preview and move to the previous file |
g | View in gvim |
x | Open file with associated program |
<Ctrl-Right> | Increase column width for file name field |
<Ctrl-Left> | Decrease column width for file name field |
<Leader><Leader>t | Sort by file time in decreased order |
<Leader><Leader>T | Sort by file time in increased order |
<Leader><Leader>s | Sort by file size in decreased order |
<Leader><Leader>S | Sort by file size in increased order |
<Leader><Leader>n | Sort by file name in decreased order |
<Leader><Leader>N | Sort by file name in increased order |
<Leader><Leader>f | Sort by folder name in decreased order |
<Leader><Leader>F | Sort by folder name in increased order |
ripgrep ( rg ) recommended: can be downloaded from https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/releases
cscope: can be downloaded from http://cscope.sourceforge.net/
find: the windows version can be found under C:/Program Files/Git/usr/bin/find.exe if Git was installed
Download this plugin from https://github.com/tristar2001/vim-cide
Copy downloaded cide.vim to vimfiles/plugin/ folder
Prerequisite: install Vundle from https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim
Insert the following line in .vimrc (or _vimrc), after "Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'", and before "call vundle#end()"
Plugin 'tristar2001/vim-cide'
Execute :PluginInstall
- The following global variables can be configured from .vimrc or _vimrc .
Note this step is optional. And it's usually needed when any of the following commands (like find.exe) is not present in any searchable path.
" C-IDE configuration
if has("win32")
let g:cide_shell_find = 'C:/Program Files/Git/usr/bin/find.exe'
let g:cide_shell_sort = 'C:/Program Files/Git/usr/bin/sort.exe'
let g:cide_shell_date = 'date /T'
" let g:cide_shell_find = 'find'
" let g:cide_shell_sort = 'sort'
" let g:cide_shell_date = 'date +\"%a %D %T.%3N\"'
let g:cide_shell_cscope = 'cscope'
let g:cide_shell_grep = 'rg'
let g:cide_grep_filespecs = ["-tcxx", "-tcpp", "-tc", "-tvim", "-tmatlab", '-g "*"']