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A compiler of my potter-tongue programming language for x86-64 with the additional support of translating to NASM.


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Potter Tongue for x86-64

Simple Harry Potter influenced programming language.

This is an x86-64 compiler set for my potter-tongue programming language, which was originally written for my software cpu emulator.



In order to install the compiler, you first have to install my file-manager library. Then do the following:

$ git clone
$ make init
$ make


There are many things this potter-tongue compiler can do. To get the idea of what flags it supports, just look at the help message

$ ./compiler.out -h
Simple Harry Potter influenced programming language set.
        Write nasm listing of the program to the specified file.

        Print parsed tokens in the following format:
        Token <token_number>:
                type = <type>[<type_number>]
                data = (<data-type>) <data>
        Here's a concrete example:
        Token 0:
                type = KEYWORD_TOKEN_TYPE[1]
                data = (keywordCode) PROG_START_KEYWORD[0] Godric's-Hollow
                1|Godric's-Hollow Hogwarts

        Write simple graph dump in .svg format.

        Write detailed graph dump in .svg format.

        When written the graph dump, open it with the default program for viewing .svg format.

        Writes the syntax tree to file.

        Prints the symbol table in the following format:

        ================ Symbol table ================
        functionsCount = <total number of functions>
        functions = { 
                { name='<>', varsCount=<>, paramsCount=<>, 
                  vars=['<>', ...] },

        stringsCount = <total number of strings>
        strings = {
                { name='<>', content='<>'},

        Allow using numbers (e.g. '3' instead of 'tria', or '22').

        Print this message.

        Specify the output file.

Let's look at some of the options in more detail.

1. NASM file generation

The compiler can generate NASM listring of the program being compiled. You just have to use the flag -S (well, hello, gcc) and specify the output file name after it.

$ ./compiler.out program.txt -S program.nasm

Examples of generated NASM files can be found in examples/programs folder.

2. Tokens dump

Dumps information about tokens - their type, data and position in the source file. For example, below are the first few lines of insertion_sort's token dump (here is the full dump):

Token 0:
	data = (keywordCode) PROG_START_KEYWORD[0] Godric's-Hollow
	1|Godric's-Hollow Hogwarts
Token 1:
	type = ID_TOKEN_TYPE[3]
	data = (id) Hogwarts
	1|Godric's-Hollow Hogwarts
Token 2:
	data = (keywordCode) NEW_LINE_KEYWORD[2] \n
	1|Godric's-Hollow Hogwarts
Token 3:
	data = (keywordCode) SDECL_KEYWORD[42] Chapter
	2|Chapter <<AskPrecision>>    "Enter the precision of numbers: "
Token 4:
	data = (keywordCode) STR_ID_OPEN_KEYWORD[43] <<
	2|Chapter <<AskPrecision>>    "Enter the precision of numbers: "
Token 5:
	type = ID_TOKEN_TYPE[3]
	data = (id) AskPrecision
	2|Chapter <<AskPrecision>>    "Enter the precision of numbers: "

3. Tree graph dumps

There are two versions of graph tree dumps you can use - simple and detailed. The dumps are .svg files generated by GraphViz (so you would have to install it in order to use this feature). Here are the examples of trees generated from a simple factorial program:

Simple Detailed

You can also look at more scary ๐Ÿ˜ˆ big graph dumps:

4. Tree text dump

This is used mostly for translating between languages that can dump the syntax tree in the same format (e.g. vssense's Drevniy-rus-language and mine share the same format). This is still a work-in-progress, though. It worked flawlessly with the first potter-tongue version, but I haven't yet adapted it to the new one.

5. Symbol table dump

Dumps information about functions, variables and strings in a program. An example for insertion_sort program:

================ Symbol table ================
functionsCount = 3
functions = {
    { name='love', varsCount=5, paramsCount=0, 
      vars=['precision', 'count', 'array', 'curIndex', 'swaps'] },

    { name='insertionSort', varsCount=6, paramsCount=2, 
      vars=['array', 'count', 'swaps', 'i', 'element', 'j'] },

    { name='printArray', varsCount=4, paramsCount=3, 
      vars=['array', 'count', 'precision', 'i'] }

stringsCount = 6
strings = {
    { name='AskPrecision', content='Enter the precision of numbers: ' },
    { name='AskCount', content='Enter the number of elements in the array: ' },
    { name='AskNumbers', content='Enter the elements of the array: ' },
    { name='SortingFinished', content='The array has been sorted with the total of ' },
    { name='(null)', content='\n' },
    { name='(null)', content=' swaps:' },

6. Using numbers (and the magic goes away)

Simple as that, with flag -numeric you can without any problems (other than moral ones, at least ๐Ÿ˜ข) use numbers in a program. So you can write -1 instead of duo flipendo tria.

Error handling

With quite informative syntax error messages (of which there are already over 50!) you can be sure that you won't have to waste hours on trying to find a little error that doesn't let you compile your program. Suppose, for example, you forgot that flagrate-s takes only strings as arguments and passed a number to it. Then you'll see this message:

SYNTAX ERROR: couldn't find a valid expression after 'flagrate-s' operator (note, you 
can only pass strings to it)
27|    - flagrate-s 220202

New language features

1. Switch from float to integer ๐Ÿงฎ

First things first, my language used floating-point numbers. Now I would like it to only be able to have integer type. Noninteger values will therefore have to be manually interpreted as fixed-point. This particularly means no need in "colloshoo" (floor) function.

It's important to look at how working with fixed-point interpretation is done. Suppose, for example, we want to have precision equal to 4 digits after the decimal point. Several problem arise with this approach.

Arithmetic operations and sqrt

Let's look at how arithmetic operations change. Addition and subtraction stay the same. We just imagine there is no decimal point. Multiplication is a bit trickier - after it you would have to divide the result by the 10^precision (in our case 10^4). Similar to multiplication, division and sqrt are done by firstly multiplying the dividend by the 10^precision (in our case 10^4).

  22.0202        22.0202
+  9.1234      *  9.1234
  -------        -------
  31.1436   200.89909270

Input and output

This is where the dilemma occurs. Should I allow only integers to be printed and scanned? Or maybe add standard functions for working with noninteger values, even though there is no definite noninteger type, whatsoever? I have chosen the latter.

In order to print values in the format <integer-part>.<fractional-part> with specified precision (e.g. "22.0202" for precision = 4), one is supposed to use the following syntax:

flagrate-bombarda <precision>, <expression>
flagrate-bombarda 4, 220202

Working with input is quite similar, though has several nuances:

accio-bombarda protego <precision> protego
accio-bombarda protego 4 protego

Here are different cases for precision equal to 4:

Input Return value Case
220202 2202020000 frac = 0
22.0202 220202 frac = precision
22.02 220200 frac < precision
22.020202 220202 frac > precision (truncation!)

Here frac is length of the fractional part.

2. Constant strings ๐Ÿ“œ

Strings are an integral part of almost all programming languages. That being said, potter-tongue doesn't support them ๐Ÿ™ˆ. But not anymore! You can now declare global strings and pass strings to flagrate function, as well as switch to new line.

Declaring global strings

Global strings can be declared pretty easily. Below a string called <<The boy who lived>> is declared. It contains string "Hello, World!" (without quotes). Note, that string declarations are allowed only before function declarations!

Chapter <<StringName>>     "String"
Chapter <<TheBoyWhoLived>> "Hello, World!"

Passing strings to flagrate-s

A new version of flagrate has been added, called flagrate-s. It can now be passed either a global or local string. The syntax looks like the following:

- flagrate-s <<TheBoyWhoLived>> (oNo) Prints "Hello, World!"
- flagrate-s "Hello, World!"    (oNo) The same as the previous

Writing new-line character

In order to switch printing to the next line, you can just use the circumrota keyword with flagrate.

- flagrate-s circumrota (oNo) Prints new-line character

3. Arrays ๐Ÿ”—

Next, I decided to add arrays of integer numbers. They can be created in functions, but only inside the main scope of a function (i.e. you cannot declare them inside a conditional statement or loop!).

- capacious <ArrayName>, <Expression> (oNo) creates array of size Exression

Accessing elements of an array.

- capacious array, 32 (oNo) creates array 'array' of size 32

- array~0~ carpe-retractum 22  (oNo) array[0] = 22
- array~1~ carpe-retractum 02  (oNo) array[1] = 02
- array~2~ carpe-retractum 02  (oNo) array[2] = 02

(oNo) a = array[0] + array[1] + array[2] 
- avenseguim a carpe-retractum array~0~ epoximise array~1~ epoximise array~2~

4. Void functions ๐ŸŒ˜

Previously all functions were supposed to return something. With the introduction of void functions, the syntax for function declaration has to change. Now if you don't want a function to have a return value, then you specify it using the keyword horcrux before name of the function.

(oNo) Declares a function with a return value
imperio <FunctionName> <Params>

(oNo) Declares a function without a return value
imperio horcrux <FunctionName> <Params>

New Potter Tongue grammar ๐Ÿ“

The new and polished version of the language's grammar now looks like this:

         Symbols meanings (used for making the grammar look easier):           
{       ::= 'alohomora'
}       ::= 'colloportus'
(       ::= 'protego'
)       ::= 'protego'

==      ::= 'equal'
!=      ::= 'not-equal' 
<=      ::= 'less-equal' 
>=      ::= 'greater-equal' 
<       ::= 'less' 
>       ::= 'greater' 

+       ::= 'epoximise'
-       ::= 'flipendo'
*       ::= 'geminio'
/       ::= 'sectumsempra'

*Var    ::= 'legilimens' Var
=       ::= 'carpe-retractum'

print   ::= 'flagrate'
prints  ::= 'flagrate-s'
printf  ::= 'flagrate-bombarda'
read    ::= 'accio'
readf   ::= 'accio-bombarda'
sqrt    ::= 'crucio'
randjmp ::= 'riddikulus'

return  ::= 'reverte'
Grammar      ::= 'Godric's-Hollow' Var NewLines ProgramBody 'Privet-Drive'

ProgramBody  ::= {StringDecl}+ {FunctionDecl}+
StringDecl   ::= 'Chapter' StringName StringQuoted NewLines
FunctionDecl ::= 'imperio' Var ParamList Block | 'imperio' horcrux Var ParamList Block

Block        ::= NewLines { NewLines Statement* NewLines } NewLines
Statement    ::= CmdLine | Condition | Loop 
CmdLine      ::= - [Expression, ArrayDecl, VariableDecl, Assignment, Jump, Print] NewLines
Jump         ::= return Expression

Expression   ::= Comparand {[<, >, ==, !=, <=, >=] Comparand}*
Comparand    ::= Term {[+, -] Term}*
Term         ::= Factor {[*, /] Factor}*
Factor       ::= ( Expression ) | Num | MemAccess | *Var | Call | Read | Sqrt | randjmp

Condition    ::= 'revelio' ( Expression ) Block 'otherwise' Block | 'revelio' ( Expression ) Block
Loop         ::= 'while' ( Expression ) Block

ArrayDecl    ::= 'capacious' Var ',' Expression
VariableDecl ::= 'avenseguim' Var = Expression

Assignment   ::= LValue = Expression
LValue       ::= Var | MemAccess 

Call         ::= depulso Var ( ) | depulso Var (ExprList)
Print        ::= prints 'circumrota' | prints StringQuoted | prints StringName | print Expression | printf Expression ',' Expression
Read         ::= read | readf ( Expression )
Sqrt         ::= sqrt ( Expression )

ExprList     ::= Expression {, Expression}*
ParamList    ::= horcrux | Var {, Var}*

StringName   ::= '<<' Var '>>'
StringQuoted ::= '"' String '"'
String       ::= ['A'-'Z', 'a'-'z', ' ']+
Var          ::= ['A'-'Z', 'a'-'z']+
MemAccess    ::= Var '~' Expression '~'
Num          ::= horcrux | duo | tria | maxima | ['0'-'9']+

NewLines     ::= {'\n'}+


Comparison with SCPU

I have compared performance of a program running on my software cpu emulator and on a real cpu. The test program is quite simple - it calculates the expression n += (3 * n - 2) / 2 + 4 starting with n = 0 a million times.

Here are the results:

299s 0.188s

The test has been carried out on an i7 9750H Intel chip powered machine running Linux.

So that's about a 1590 times performance boost ๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿ’ช!


โš ๏ธ Warning: this section covers how I have (so far) optimized the compiler, so read it only if you are interested.

First things first, there are many simple things one could do to improve code generation. To begin with at least something, I have written a simple testing program which I have based investigation on. What it does is it basically calculates factorial of 12 and 22th Fibonacci number 100,000 times (don't overthink these numbers, they are random).

Two-operand operations

The way math operations Expr1 (operation) Expr2 were compiled is the following:

1. Compile Expr1 (the result is in RAX)
2. Push RAX      (push Expr1)
3. Compile Expr2 (the result is in RAX)
4. Mov RBX, RAX  (RBX = Expr2)
5. Pop RAX       (RAX = Expr1)

6. RAX (operation) RBX

Clearly there are many redundant steps here if Expr1 and Expr2 are "simple enough". For example, line

depulso fact protego legilimens n flipendo 1 protego

was translated as

mov rax, [rbp + 16]

push rax ; save rax

mov rax, 2
mov rbx, rax
pop rax ; restore rax

sub rax, rbx
push rax

call fib

whereas it could be translated to

mov rax, [rbp + 16]
mov rbx, 2
sub rax, rbx

push rax
call fib

The optimized version has fewer memory accessing instructions (by two, to be precise, - push and pop are got disposed of).


Conditional statements are everywhere and the most common way they work is by getting a comparison (e.g. a <= b, or a != b). But they can also be passed a number. This is where it gets interesting... Let's look at how I did conditional statements before:

                ; rax = expression in the condition
                test rax, rax
                jz .ELSE_0

                ; if true

                jmp .END_IF_ELSE0
                ; if false

This is pretty much the only option if some expression is inside the condition. But this is rarely the case. If a comparison is located inside the condition, then we can simplify it quite drastically!

This way an ugly code (if rax > rbx then ... else ...) such as this:

                ; ==== if-else statement ====
                ; condition's expression
                cmp rax, rbx
                jg .CMP_TRUE_0
                xor rax, rax ; false
                jmp .CMP_END_0
                mov rax, 1 ; true
                test rax, rax
                jz .ELSE_0

                ; if true

                jmp .END_IF_ELSE0


turns into this:

                ; ==== if-else statement ====
                ; condition's expression
                cmp rax, rbx
                jle .ELSE_0

                ; if true

                jmp .END_IF_ELSE0

And the same works for loops!

Optimization conclusion

Here are the differences between unoptimized generated code and optimized (other than the two optimizations described below there were several much smaller ones with little to no performance impact):

Criteria Unoptimized Two-operand operations optimization Conditions optimization
Time,s 15.3 15 (-2%) 10 (-50%)
Nasm lines 263 221 (-19%) 193 (-14.5%)

The number of Nasm code lines is given not including standard functions and not .text sections. The percentages in the table are relative to the previous column.

So, totally, I have increased performance by 53% and decreased the number of Nasm lines by 36%.


A compiler of my potter-tongue programming language for x86-64 with the additional support of translating to NASM.





