Face detection library for Python.
- Fast - Implemented in Rust, which is pretty fast
- Accurate - Implements a funnel-structured (FuSt) cascade schema for real-time multi-view face detection
- Easy to install - PEP 513 compliant, prebuilt wheel files provided for Linux and macOS. The entire algorithm is implemented inside this single <2MB package with no dependency on OpenCV or numpy
This module contains bindings to Rustface, a face detection library written in Rust which is derived from SeetaFace.
Install with pip, wheel files are provided for Linux and macOS:
pip install wheel
pip install rustface
from PIL import Image
from rustface import ImageData, Detector
image = Image.open('image.jpg')
imagedata = ImageData.from_pillow_image(image)
detector = Detector()
detector.set_slide_window_step(4, 4)
for face in detector.detect(imagedata):
print(face.x, face.y, face.width, face.height)
This provides a Willow plugin that can be installed with the following code:
from willow.registry import registry
import rustface.willow
(put this somewhere where it will run on startup)
To use this in Wagtail CMS, install the Willow plugin as per above and add the following into your project settings:
Install libffi, python3 headers, setuptools and wheel. The following command will install these on Ubuntu:
apt-get install libffi-dev python3-dev python3-setuptools python3-wheel
Check out the repository:
git clone git@github.com:torchbox/rustface-py.git
cd rustface-py
In order to compile the Rust code, you'll need to have Rust nightly toolchain installed and enabled.
Use rustup to set this up, find installation instructions for rustup at https://www.rustup.rs/
To use Rust nightly, run the following commands in the project root:
rustup update nightly
rustup override add nightly
Now you can build the package:
python3 setup.py bdist_wheel
These bindings, Rustface and SeetaFace are all released under the BSD 2-Clause license.