This is a sample app that is part of a series of blog posts I have written about how to architect an android application using Uncle Bob's clean architecture approach.
Apr 28, 2023 - Java
Android was designed and built by Google in 2008. The operating system is written mainly in Java, with core components in C and C++. It is built on top of the Linux kernel, giving it incorporated security benefits.
This is a sample app that is part of a series of blog posts I have written about how to architect an android application using Uncle Bob's clean architecture approach.
⚔️ A common architecture for Android applications developing based on MVP, integrates many open source projects, to make your developing quicker and easier (一个整合了大量主流开源项目高度可配置化的 Android MVP 快速集成框架).
FastHub the ultimate GitHub client for Android.
Android library to handle jobs in the background.
开源的 Material Design 豆瓣客户端(A Material Design app for
We are on now! - Gadgetbridge - A free and cloudless replacement for your gadget vendors' closed source Android applications. Supports Pebble, Mi Band, Liveview, HPlus and more.
📚A pure reading App based on Material Design + MVP + RxJava2 + Retrofit + Dagger2 + Realm + Glide
A Simple android remote administration tool using sockets. It uses java on the client side and python on the server side
⛅ [@deprecated]RxJava+RxBus+Retrofit+Glide+Material Design Weather App
Android Package Inspector - dynamic analysis with api hooks, start unexported activities and more. (Xposed Module)
DEPRECATED - Memory efficient shimmering effect for Android applications by Supercharge.
Download apks from Google Play Store
A Grace Material Design Music Player
An unofficial open source Android app for Reddit.
Hide your private files and apps with a single click.
Implement screen capture without root on Android 5.0+ by using MediaProjectionManager, VirtualDisplay, AudioRecord, MediaCodec and MediaMuxer APIs
Companion Android application for EdXposed
Rclone for Android
Created by Google
Released September 23, 2008