This is a Heroku buildpack for adding pre-compiled custom binaries into your project.
Add this buildpack to your Heroku project:
heroku buildpacks:add
Add a .custom_binaries
file to the root of your project with the names and
urls of your gzipped tarballed binary (YAML format):
# app_root/.custom_binaries
That's it!
This buildpack will unarchive your binary and add it to /app/custom_bin
Heroku compiles your project's slug. It will also create a
that will append this directory to $PATH
to your binary whenever your app is
Great news! All Heroku projects use Heroku's Cedar-14 stack on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS so you have to do is compile your binary on a similar environment, compress it into a gzipped tarball, then host it somewhere it's available via url.
The simplest way to do this is to compile from source on either a fresh Heroku project or using the Heroku's Cedar-14 docker image.
Create a blank Heroku project:
heroku create
heroku run bash --app that-projects-name
Then you can build from source and transfer it locally using git
or scp
You can also use Heroku's official Cedar-14 image:
docker run -it heroku/cedar:14 bash
This has the additional convenience of being able transfer your binary to a
bind-mounted volume when you use the -v
Build a gzipped tarball bundle of the resulting binary:
tar -cvzf archive-name.tar.gz binary-to-compress
Then make it available via URL through Amazon S3 or your favorite online file storage.