docker build -t csgo_headshotonly .
docker create --name csgo-data csgo_headshotonly
Never run the data container! It only helps us with Backups and Updates.
docker run --name csgo-run \
--volumes-from csgo-data \
-e GAME_TYPE=0 \
-e GAME_MODE=1 \
-e MAPGROUP=mg_bomb \
-e MAP=de_dust2 \
-e STARTUP_OPTIONS='+rcon_password $RCON_PASSWORD +sv_password $SV_PASSWORD +host_workshop_map 546623875 -authkey $AUTH_KEY -maxplayers_override 32 -tickrate 128' \
-p 27015:27015 \
-p 27015:27015/udp \
-d tha_csgo
Environment Variables USERNAME
are not important for this image. They are used in the parent image (edenservers/docker-csgo) for setting up and SFTP connection to the Container, which is not needed. The SFTP-Ports are not exposed if you use this run command.
with your server passwords and $AUTH_KEY
with your steam auth key.
The Startup might take a few minutes, cause it tries to update steamcmd and csgo.
docker stop csgo-run && docker rm csgo-run && docker run [...](look above)