tobac is a Python package for identifiying, tracking and analysing of clouds and other meteorological phenomena in different types of gridded datasets. tobac is unique in its ability to track phenomena using any variable on any grid, including radar data, satellite observations, and numerical model output. tobac has been used in a variety of peer-reviewed publications and is an international, multi-institutional collaboration.
Individual features are identified as either maxima or minima in a two dimensional time varying field. The volume/area associated with the identified objects can be determined based on a time-varying 2D or 3D field and a threshold value. The in thre tracking step, the identified objects are linked into consistent trajectories representing the cloud over its lifecycle.
Detailed documentation of the package can be found at
Release announcements, workshop and conference announcements, and other information of interest to the broader tobac users group are sent to the tobac core group mailing list. If you are interested in contributing to the development of tobac, we invite you to join the tobac developers mailing list. Information on monthly developers' meetings and other developer discussion and announcements are sent to that list.
We also have a Slack server for both users and developers. For information on joining that, please contact the tobac developers mailing list, or see the information in the tobac release notes sent to the tobac mailing list.
tobac requires Python 3, and support for Python versions before 3.7 (i.e., 3.6 and lower) is deprecated and will be removed in tobac version 1.5.
The easiest way is to install the most recent version of tobac via conda and the conda-forge channel:
conda install -c conda-forge tobac
This will take care of all necessary dependencies and should do the job for most users and also allows for an easy update of the installation by
conda update -c conda-forge tobac
You can also install conda via git, either for development purposes or to use specific development branches for the Github repository.
If you are using anaconda, the following command from within the cloned repository should make sure all dependencies are met and up to date:
conda install -c conda-forge --yes --file requirements.txt
You can directly install the package directly from github with pip and either of the two following commands:
pip install --upgrade git+ssh://
pip install --upgrade git+
You can also clone the package with any of the two following commands
git clone
git clone
and install the package from the locally cloned version:
pip install tobac/
We encourage bug reports, questions, and code contributions. For more details on contributing, please see
We are currently in a transition phase between versions 1.x and 2.x. v2.x will enable the use of multiple tracking methods (including TINT) and will use xarray for gridded data instead of Iris. Preliminary development on v2.x has taken place on the v2.0-dev
branch, while work on the main
and RC_v1.x.x
branches (containing v1.x development) is ongoing to unify these development efforts.
A roadmap for the future development of tobac is available here: