I'm a programmer from France.
By order of usage : php, javascript, go, bash, java, python.
I use github to publish code written on my spare time.
Most of my professional code is proprietary, except one, in GPL: Les bois du Larzac
├── Astrology and statistics
│ ├── g5
│ ├── g5-aux
│ ├── g5-other
│ ├── observe
│ ├── ogdb-wiki
│ └── openg
├── Astronomy
│ ├── jephem
│ ├── miroir-secondaire
│ └── tigeph
├── Computing
│ └── cnam-2isa
├── Development
│ ├── tigdraw
│ ├── tiglib
│ └── tigsite
├── Geography
│ └── geonames2postgres
├── Harvest
│ └── mactutor-by-links
└── Maths
└── milewski-youtube-notes