The goal of our project was to build a detection system that can recognize animals in thermal infrared aerial images. We investigated YOLOR and YOLOv5, and performed several experiments on the BIRDSAI dataset before arriving at our final design, shown in the figure below. The final prototype exceeded our design requirement with a mAP of 38.2% and is well within the hardware constraints of the GPU assumed to be available on the UAV. More details can be found in our report.
[Click to view]
| .gitignore
| Dockerfile,,,,
│ -- script to convert BIRDSAI dataset to COCO format
| -- script to determine the number of samples in each object class
| Anchor_Statistics.ipynb -- K-means to determine anchors for YOLOR
└───dataset/ (store dataset files here)
└───coco_format/ (data/ will save outputs to this directory)
| TrainReal.json
| TestReal.json
| TrainSimulation.json
| -- data-related utility functions shared between models
| -- general utility functions shared between models
| YOLOR specific code lives in this directory
| YOLOv5 specific code lives in this directory
[Click to view]
To replicate the results in our report, we recommend using the Docker setup provided in this repository. All the relevant files are located in setup/docker
. To set this up, do the following:
$ cd setup/docker
Running the following command will build a docker image with the image name and tag specified in lines 4-5 of
. Modify this according to your preference. The default is currently set to uav-tir-wildlife-od/uav-tir-wildlife-od:rob498-yolo
$ ./
This will start a docker container using the image you have just built. If you changed the name of the docker image in
, modify lines 5-7 of
accordingly. Modify line 13 to be the directory where you have cloned this repo.
$ ./
If you have multiple GPUs (e.g. 4 GPUs), run the following instead:
$ ./ -gd 0,1,2,3
If this is relevant to you, the
script is provided for remote debugging setup.
If you encounter any permission errors when building the image or running the docker container, use chmod +x [build or run script]
[Click to view]
# Training YOLOR with 2 classes on real data only
$ cd /path/to/repo/UAV-Thermal-IR-Wildlife-Object-Detection/src/yolor
$ python --batch-size 16 --img 640 640 --data birdsai_2class.yaml --cfg cfg/yolor_p6_birdsai_2class_origanchors.cfg --weights '' --device 0 --name yolor_final_prototype --hyp hyp.scratch.640.yaml --epochs 200
# Testing YOLOR with 2 classes on real data only
$ cd /path/to/repo/UAV-Thermal-IR-Wildlife-Object-Detection/src/yolor
$ python --data birdsai_2class.yaml --img 640 --batch 32 --conf 0.001 --iou 0.65 --device 0 --cfg cfg/yolor_p6_birdsai_2class_origanchors.cfg --weights /path/to/saved/ --name yolor_final_prototype_test --verbose --names data/birdsai_2class.names
# Training YOLOR with 2 classes on real data only (Multi-GPU)
$ cd /path/to/repo/UAV-Thermal-IR-Wildlife-Object-Detection/src/yolor
$ python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 4 --master_port 9527 --batch-size 16 --img 640 640 --data birdsai_2class.yaml --cfg cfg/yolor_p6_birdsai_2class_origanchors.cfg --weights '' --device 0,1,2,3 --sync-bn --name "name_of_project" --hyp hyp.scratch.640.yaml --epochs 200
[Click to view]
# Training YOLOv5 with 2 classes on real data only
$ cd /path/to/repo/UAV-Thermal-IR-Wildlife-Object-Detection/src/yolov5
$ python --batch 16 --data birdsai_2class.yaml --cfg yolov5n_birdsai_2class.yaml --weights '' --img 640 --device 0
# Testing YOLOv5 with 2 classes on real data only
$ cd /path/to/repo/UAV-Thermal-IR-Wildlife-Object-Detection/src/yolov5
$ python --weights /path/to/saved/ --data birdsai_2class.yaml --img 640 --task speed
$ python --weights /path/to/saved/ --data birdsai_2class.yaml --img 640 --task test
[Click to view]
The following table shows the mAP achieved by YOLOR and YOLOv5 for our final experimental configurations.
Architecture | mAP0.5 | mAP0.5:0.95 |
YOLOR | 38.2 | 13.4 |
YOLOv5 | 35.4 | 12.7 |
The following table shows the GFLOPs and inference speed on a single P100 GPU for YOLOR and YOLOv5.
Architecture | GFLOPs | Inference Time (ms) | NMS (ms) | FPS (total) |
YOLOR | 80.38 | 10.2 | 3.4 | 73.6 |
YOLOv5 | 4.2 | 2.5 | 3.9 | 156.3 |
[Click to view]
We provide an assortment of other possible configurations, for running experiments with different number of classes and reproducing results indicated in the report.All configuration files are provided in the following locations:
| yolor_p6_birdsai_2class_origanchors.cfg
| yolor_p6_birdsai_2class_newanchors.cfg
| yolor_p6_birdsai_3class.cfg
| yolor_p6_birdsai_10class.cfg
| birdsai_2class.names
| birdsai_2class.yaml
| birdsai_3class.names
| birdsai_3class.yaml
| birdsai_10class.names
| birdsai_10class.yaml
| hyp.finetune.1280.yaml
| hyp.scratch.1280.yaml
| hyp.scratch.640.yaml
| birdsai_2class.yaml
| yolov5n_birdsai_2class.yaml
All commands should follow this format for training and testing on YOLOR:
# Training
$ cd /path/to/repo/UAV-Thermal-IR-Wildlife-Object-Detection/src/yolor
$ python --batch-size 16 --img 640 640 --data birdsai_{X}class.yaml --cfg cfg/yolor_p6_birdsai_{X}class.cfg --weights '' --device 0 --name {NAME_OF_EXPERIMENT} --hyp hyp.{X}.yaml --epochs 200
# Testing
$ cd /path/to/repo/UAV-Thermal-IR-Wildlife-Object-Detection/src/yolor
$ python --data birdsai_{X}class.yaml --img 640 --batch 32 --conf 0.001 --iou 0.65 --device 0 --cfg cfg/yolor_p6_birdsai_{X}.cfg --weights /path/to/saved/ --name {NAME_OF_EXPERIMENT} --verbose --names data/birdsai{X}.names
We would like to thank the authors of YOLOR and YOLOv5 for open-sourcing their code.