This repo is for TiDB Challenge Program register and other relative events.
By opening an issue, you can sign up challenge program. Once the sign up is successfully done, bot will comment on your issue.
To inherit the points you earned in previous seasons, you must sign up by the same name with what you used back then. This will be reflected as your Accumulative Points. If it's over 200, you will direcly skip the Easy level tasks. If you run into any issues inheriting historical points, contact @you06 to help you out.
Here are some sign-up examples.
Personal player should register as an one-person team.
## Team Sign-up
- Team Name: PingCAP
- Team Leader: @sre-bot(
## Team Sign-up
- Team Name: PingCAP
- Team Leader: @eva-00-leader(
- Team Member: @eva-01-member(
- Team Member: @eva-02-member(