Robovim is a simple Vim plugin which allow easier add Robodoc formatted documentation to a source code. At this moment supported programming languages are: Ada, Vim, Python, Tcl and C. All programming languages with C-like comments should generally works too. Additionally, it is easy to add support for more programming languages.
This plugin follows the standard runtime path structure, and as such it can be installed with a variety of plugin managers:
Plugin Manager | Install with... |
Pathogen | git clone ~/.vim/bundle/robovim Remember to run :Helptags to generate help tags |
NeoBundle | NeoBundle 'thindil/robovim' |
Vundle | Plugin 'thindil/robovim' |
Plug | Plug 'thindil/robovim' |
Dein | call dein#add('thindil/robovim') |
minpac | call minpac#add('thindil/robovim') |
pack feature (native Vim 8 package feature) | git clone ~/.vim/pack/dist/start/robovim Remember to run :helptags to generate help tags |
manual | copy all of the files into your ~/.vim directory |
Place cursor on the element to which you want to add a documentation and enter
Vim command Roboheader [headertype]
where headertype is one of types of headers
supported by your setting of Robodoc. It will add a skeleton documentation header
above cursor line filled with basic informations.
You can close the documentation by entering Vim command Robofooter
. It will add
Robodoc closing mark below your cursor line.
Most of parameters (like package name, element name) the plugin can
auto-detect. If you are not satisfied with auto-detection, you can use Vim
command Robopackage [packagename]
to set a new name for a package in
selected buffer. Using this command without packagename will cause reset it
to auto-detect again.
More information on how to use, configure or extend this plugin you can find in
the plugin help file with Vim command help robovim