This repository contains three converged sound open firmware module examples such as: aca_module, amplifier_module and downmixer_module and whole building infrastructure (i.e. makefiles, source files and API headers) required to build module examples and loadable libraries. Loadable library is composed by a set of N precompiled loadable modules.
Module implementation examples are provided in <repo_dir>/modules/
Module requirements:
- implements the ProcessingModuleInterface class;
- implements the ProcessingModuleFactoryInterface class;
- declares itself as "loadable" with help of the macro DECLARE_LOADABLE_MODULE.
The ProcessingModuleInterface defines methods that firmware will call to
configure and to start the stream processing. The ProcessingModuleInterface
header is available at:
There is also ProcessingModule class, which provided is as a partial default
implementation of the ProcessingModuleInterface class:
A custom module class needs to implement at least these three functions:
ProcessingModule::Process() Processes the stream buffers extracted from the input pins and produces the resulting signal in the stream buffer of the output pins.
ProcessingModule::SetConfiguration() Applies the upcoming configuration message for the given configuration ID.
ProcessingModule::SetProcessingMode() Sets the processing mode for the module.
Optionally, the following methods can be overridden in ProcessingModule:
ProcessingModule::GetConfiguration() Retrieves the configuration message for the given configuration ID.
ProcessingModule::Reset() Upon a call to this method, the firmware requires the module to reset its internal state into a well-known initial value. Parameters that may have been set through SetConfiguration() are expected to be left unchanged.
The ProcessingModuleFactoryInterface class handles the creation of the custom processing module components. Following methods should be implemented:
ProcessingModuleFactory::Create() Creates a RegisteredProcessingModule instance. The custom implementation of the Create method is expected to handle the initialization of the custom module instances.
ProcessingModuleFactory::GetPrerequisites() Indicates the prerequisites for module instance creation. Firmware calls this method before each module instance creation.
The module design configuration is placed in binamp file. The module examples
binmaps are placed in:
Module binmaps contains information about several module parameters e.g. module
uuid, module version, input/output pins, number of channels, sample size,
schedule capabilities. Ultimately, binmaps should be customized according to
user needs.
module module_type module_name
module o AMPLI
module_type can take following values:
- o - optional module
- b - built-in module
- ba - built-in auto-init module
- d - module packaged into separate file
- da - auto-init module packaged into seperate file
- l - internal common sections module
module_name is a string name o module. It does not have to be unique. Should not exceed 8 characters.
uuid uuid_number
uuid 8075F4F8-6214-4A61-8C08-884BE5D14FF8
uuid_number unique UUID number. See UUID Wikipedia for a description.
name pretty_name
name Aca module example
pretty_name does not have to be unique. It is not limited to 8 characters.
version_major major_value
version_minor minor_value
version_hotfix hotfix_value
version_build build_value
version_major 0x1
version_minor 0x0
version_hotfix 0x0
version_build 0x0
- version_major - shall be used only for vendor parameter structure change (user decide how to use version parameter);
- version_minor - shall be used only for internal changes (optimizations, bug fix);
- version_hotfix - shall be used during the bug fixing period;
- version_build - shall be incremented with new build.
affinity_mask mask
mask is a bit-mask of cores allowed to execute module. Macros reffering this
mask are defined at:
instance_count count
instance_count +1
instance_count refers to number of module instance. The value should be provided with "+" at beginning. It will be added to basic instance count.
domain_types type
domain_types DP
Following domain types are available :
- LL - low latency domain is intended to be able transfer data through DSP subsystem within 2ms. Processing modules used in that domain must be able to work on limited number of samples. To meet 2ms pipeline latency on stream sampled at 48 kHz stream needs to be processed in 1ms periods i.e. using maximum 48 sample blocks.
- DP - Data processing domain is intended host all processing that does not fit in definition of low latency domain. It is important that this domain is still real time and latency sensitive.
type class_name
type AudClassModule
class_name refers to module class type supported by firmware. Available
modules classes are placed in:
in # type <mod_func_type>
stack_size size
stack_size 1000
*stack_size is size of stack that module instance requires for its task. It refer only to DP scheduler domain.
sched_caps scheduling_period multiples_supported
sched_caps 1 all
- scheduling_period - scheduling period should be given in samples per channel (i.e. 1 sample = 1 sample per channel) as a hexadecimal value.
- multiples_supported - indicates the supported period multiples. Available
values are placed in:
in# multiples_supported <list_of_supported_multiples>
mod_cfg 0 0 0 0 4096 500000 180 180 0 5000 0
mod_cfg required following parameters:
- PAR0-3 - any module parameters;
- IS_BYTES - actual size of instance .bss (pages);
- CPS (Cycles Per Second) - indicates the max count of cycles per second which are granted to a certain module to complete the processing of its input and output buffers;
- IBS (Input Buffer Size) - input buffer size (in bytes) that module shall process (within ProcessingModuleInterface::Process()) from every connected input pin;
- OBS (Output Buffer Size) - output buffer size (in bytes) that module shall produce (within ProcessingModuleInterface::Process()) on every connected output pin;
- MOD_FLAGS (Module Flags) - for future use
- CPC (Cycles Per Chunk) - indicates the max count of Cycles Per Chunk which are granted to a certain module to complete the processing of its input and output buffers;
- OBLS (Output Block Size) - for future use.
pin in
stream_type type
sample_rates rates
sample_sizes sizes
sample_containers containers
channel_cfg ch_cfg
pin in
stream_type pcm
sample_rates 44.1k 48k
sample_sizes sample_16b sample_24b sample_32b
sample_containers container_16b container_32b
channel_cfg ch_mono ch_stereo
A pin is a connector that transmits PCM audio streaming: one pin can transmit several channels (for example, a stereo signal requires only one pin). There are two pin types: input (in) and output (out). Additional pin properties are:
- stream_type
- sample_rates
- sample_sizes
- sample_containers
- channel_cfg
Values for above properties are available in common binmap file:
in respectively:
# stream_type <type>
,# sample_rates <list_of_supported_sample_rates>
,# sample_sizes <list_of_supported_sample_sizes>
,# sample_containers <list_of_supported_sample_containers>
,# channel_cfg <list_of_supported_channel_configurations>
Aca_module is an implementation example of post-processing module which simply amplifies the input stream by a constant gain value. The aca_module is a single input-single output module.
Amplifier_module is a post-processing module (it should be used on the render path). This is a very basic module implementation supporting one pin in input and one pin in output. The module implementation doesn't include any compiled library. The parameters set (four parameters) is defined on one configuration ID. "target_gain" is the gain value that is applied in the module. If "target_gain" exceeds the range defined with "min_gain" and "max_gain", the applied value is replaced with the max/min limit. "smoothing_factor" parameter is the convergence speed ramp to reach the new gain value.
Downmixer_module is a pre-processing module (it should be used on the capture
path). This is a more advanced module implementation as it supports two pins in
the input. The second input pin is used for the reference signal: when
performing a playback and a record at the same time, the playback signal is sent
on the second input pin as a reference, as needed for an echo canceller for
example. As for the amplifier, the parameters set is basic and defined on one
configuration ID. The output is the result of a mix between input and reference
signal balanced with "main_div" and "ref_div" parameter values:
output_signal = input_signal/main_div + reference_signal/ref_div
Build the xtensa cross-compilation toolchains with crosstoolg-ng for lx7hifi4 platform. Building instruction is available here: build toolchains.
NOTE: Switch to branch for crosstool-ng and for xtensa-overlay repositories.
Module examples (aca_module, amplifier_module and downmixer_module) are placed
in <repo_dir>/modules/
. In order to build the example, enter the module
build directory <repo_dir>/modules/<module_example_name>/build
(e.g. <repo_dir>/modules/aca_module/build
) and invoke make command i.e.:
make <platform_name> <config> TOOLSCHAIN=<toolchain_name> OVERLAY_TOOLS_DIR=<overlay_dir> XTENSA_TOOLS_DIR=<xtensa_tools_dir>
<platform_name> refers to platform target e.g. lx7hifi4_plat / lx7hifi4-s_plat
<config> release/debug config
<toolchain_name> toolchain name
<overlay_dir> path to toolchain bin directory of toolchain generated by crosstool-ng
<xtensa_tools_dir> path to xtensa tools directory
- build module using xtensa-lx7hifi4-elf toolchain (OVERLAT_TOOLS_DIR should point to the toolchain bin directory)
make lx7hifi4_plat release TOOLSCHAIN="xtensa-lx7hifi4-elf" OVERLAY_TOOLS_DIR="~/lx7hifi4_xtensa_overlays/crosstool-ng/builds/xtensa-lx7hifi4-elf/bin/"
- build module using xtensa toolchain
make lx7hifi4_plat release TOOLSCHAIN="xtensa" XTENSA_TOOLS_DIR="C:\usr\xtensa\Xplorer-8.0.11-workspaces\install\tools"
Building artifacts will be placed in following directory:
NOTE: At the moment building is available only for lx7hifi4_plat and lx7hifi4-s_plat platforms with "xtensa-lx7hifi4-elf" toolchain.
Loadable library contains set of N precompiled loadable modules. In order to build loadable library, firstly the specific module/modules should be compiled (see Building modules section).
In order to build loadable library the:
can be utilized.
python3 --help
usage: [-h] [-o OUTPUT_PATH] [-c {release,debug}] [-a ATTR_FILE_PATH] [-t {xtensa,xtensa-lx7hifi4-elf}] platform_name library_name library_version modules_list
positional arguments:
platform_name name of target platform
library_name name of output library
library_version version of output library
modules_list modules to be included in output library (e.g. "module_1_name, module_2_name")
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT_PATH, --output_path OUTPUT_PATH
path to output build folder (default: ./out)
-c {release,debug}, --config {release,debug}
type of config (default: release)
-a ATTR_FILE_PATH, --attr_file_path ATTR_FILE_PATH
path to xml attribute file (default: /mnt/c/conv-fdk/artifacts/dsp_fw_example_release.xml)
-t {xtensa,xtensa-lx7hifi4-elf}, --toolschain {xtensa,xtensa-lx7hifi4-elf}
default: xtensa-lx7hifi4-elf
Before invoking
proper tools (e.g. meu tool, signing keys)
paths should be set in: <repo_dir>/scripts/lib_config.conf
script builds loadable library containig modules
passed in modules_list
argument. It searches modules binaries
(<module_name>.dlm.a files
) in default modules build location i.e.:
Above script also calculates the loadable library address using firmware memory
footprint files (memory footprint file example is available:
and it is used by script by
default - it can be changed by -a
flag). Ultimately, memory footprint file
will be shared as a part of a release package.
Builds library called "aca_lib" containing "aca_module" for lx7hifi4_plat platform. The library version is set to 1.8. Script uses release aca_module binary as default. Build artifacts will be placed in out folder by default.
python3 lx7hifi4_platorlake aca_lib 1.8 aca_module
Builds library called "example_lib" containing "aca_module" and "amplifier_module" for lx7hifi4_plat platform. The library version is set to 1.8. Script uses release aca_module binary as default. Build artifacts will be placed in out folder by default.
python3 lx7hifi4_plat example_lib 1.8 "aca_module amplifier_module"
- Build the xtensa cross-compilation toolchains (Building toolchain section).
- Configure module - use default or modify binmap file for specific module (Module configuration section).
- Build module/modules (Building modules section).
- Build loadable library containig specific module/modules (Loadable library section).
- adsp_fw_builder for linux. adsp_fw_builder is a DSP firmware image creation tool used to create manifest. -
- adsp_fw_builder for windows. -
- directory containing module examples -
- script for building loadable library (see Loadable library section) -
- directory containing building infrastracture e.g. necessary source files, headers and makefiles. -
- directory containig modules and firmware binmaps i.e. files used for configuration (e.g. setting input/output pins, supported sample rate etc.). -
- example of dsp memory footprint file used in building process to calculate loadable library address -
- module API documentation