Full DLL Hooking via Process Environment Block
phook - The PEB Hooker, Phrack 65, Shearer & Dreg: http://phrack.org/issues/65/10.html#article
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Just Imagine that we want to do PEB HOOKING at kernel32.dll with ph_ker32.dll, we have chosen this software poc.exe for the example (allocated in the phook bin\ folder)
1.- Execute InjectorDLL specifying a software to execute and the DLL console that will be injected in the process: - InjectorDLL.exe console.dll -u poc.exe
The process will become to a suspend state and there will be a bind socket at the port specified at the C:\ph_listen_ports.log file.
C:\phook\bin>InjectorDll.exe console.dll -u poc.exe
| InjectorDLL v1.0.1 |
| |
| Juan Carlos Montes eunimedes@hotmail.com |
| David Reguera Garcia Dreg@fr33project.org |
| -------------------------------------------- |
| http://www.fr33project.org |
Showing injection data .....
Program to inject : C:\phook\bin\poc.exe
Library to inject: C:\phook\bin\console.dll
[OK] - Create process:
[INFO] PID: 0x0254
[INFO] P. HANDLE: 0x000007B0
[INFO] TID: 0x0CF0
[INFO] T. HANDLE: 0x000007A8
[INFO] - Injecting DLL...
[OK] - Allocate memory in the extern process.
[INFO] - Address reserved on the other process: 0x00240000
[INFO] - Space requested: 306
[OK] - Creating structure for the dll load.
[OK] - Writing structure for the dll load.
[OK] - Creating remote thread.
[INFO] - Thread created with TID: 0x0580
[INFO] - Attempt: 1
[INFO] - Thread has entered suspension mode.
[OK] - Injection thread ended.
[OK] - Memory in remote thread freed.
[OK] - DLL injected.
[OK] - Injection ended:
Try to connect to port written in
C:\ph_listen_ports.log, syntax: PID-PORT
Example: nc 1234 (1234 is the first default port)
2.- To connect to the server it is necessary to use a client, similar to netcat, to an open port, in this case 1234.
C:\>nc 1234
| Phook Prompt v1.0.1 |
| Juan Carlos Montes eunimedes@hotmail.com |
| David Reguera Garcia Dreg@fr33project.org |
| ------------------------------------------------------ |
| http://www.fr33project.org |
ph > help
| Phook Prompt v1.0.1 |
| |
| Command list: |
| --------------------------------------------------------------- |
| help - Shows this screen |
| exit - Closes and unloads the console |
| suspend - Pauses the programs execution |
| resume - Resumes the programs execution |
| showmodules - Shows the modules list |
| load [param1] - Loads in memory the library |
| especified in [param1] |
| unload [param1] - Unloads a librery in memory |
| especified in [param1] |
| pebhook [param1] [param2] - Performs PEB Hook over a dll |
| [param1]: Name of the original dll |
| [param2]: Path to the DLL hook |
3.- PEB HOOKING is performed to kernel32.dll with ph_ker32.dll: ph > pebhook kernel32.dll C:\phook\bin\windows_xp_sp3\ph_ker32.dll
4.- Resume command is sent to start the execution process:
ph > resume
ph >
5.- poc.exe create the files in C:
- file
- file2
- file3
6.- ph_ker32.dll registers the successful calls to the APIs CreateFileA and CreateFileW [R.14] in file C:\CreateFile.log
7.- C:>more CreateFile.log