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A password manager with a AES and a self-developed encryption

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Official release at 05.09.2022

Note: This project may contain bugs. Feel free to report them at


  1. Click on the release you want to download.

  2. Download "GP_install_v.x.x.x.x.exe".

  3. Double-click "GP_install_v.x.x.x.x.exe" to automaticly install greenonionPass.

  4. Make sure you have have disabled controlled folder access in the windows-safety app or granted greenonionPass privileges to access controlled folders.

WARNING: It is highly recommended for your safety to download always the newest version of greenonionPass!


  1. Enter your master password in the text box at the screen middle.
  2. Enter the name of the password and the password.
  3. Click Encrypt & Save to encrypt and save your password (when you're mistrustful look at C:\Users\xxx\Documents\ThePasswordManager and open some files, they're all encrypted!
  4. When you restart the Password manager and log in with the same master password you used to encrypt your previos saved passwords, they'll automaticly load when logging in.

Note: Feel free to change your master password while usage, greenonionPass will always try to decrypt all passwords with your entered master password. When you have passwords encrypted with other master passwords, in the list box there are only unicode-symbols f. E. grafik


Password policy

It is highly recommended to use passwords that contain:

  • At least 1 upper case letter
  • At least 1 lower case letter
  • At least 1 number
  • At least 1 special letter
  • At least 16, better 25 or more characters
  • A random generated string of characters (DON'T use a word that is common in your language and may be listed in a dictionary!)

Please use your passwords only once.