Chatting about this Repository can be done on our Discord: https://discord.gg/VsVrjgr
- [PTC Login / Google]
- [Get Map Objects and Inventory]
- [Search for gyms/pokestops/spawns]
- [Farm pokestops]
- [Farm all Pokemon in neighbourhood]
- [Throw Berries/use best pokeball]
- [Transfers duplicate pokemons]
- [Evolve all pokemons]
- [Throws away unneeded items]
- [Humanlike Walking]
- [Configurable Custom Pathing]
A big thank you goes to Feroxs' hard work on the API & Console. Without him, this would not have been possible. <3
Thanks to everyone who volunteered by contributing via Pull Requests! Feel free to buy us all a beer, by using PayPal:
Donate Bitcoins to FeroxRev (the API library developer): *1ExYxfBb5cERHyAfqtFscJW7vm2vWBbL3e*