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Raw data access

David Teschner edited this page May 18, 2023 · 5 revisions

Basic usage

After you successfully build the proteolizard binary, you are ready to connect to a timsTOF TDF-file. This is done by creating a handle to the raw-datset which we can use to fetch parts of the raw-data required. We can also have a look at metadata such as frame types (MS-I vs MS-II), quadrupole settings during PASEF etc.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from import PyTimsDataHandleDDA

handle = PyTimsDataHandle('path/to/dataset.d')
Id Time Polarity ScanMode MsMsType TimsId MaxIntensity SummedIntensities NumScans NumPeaks MzCalibration T1 T2 TimsCalibration PropertyGroup AccumulationTime RampTime
0 1 0.554466 + 8 0 0 2312 12276207 918 211960 1 25.6798 25.3503 1 1 99.953 99.953
1 2 0.807918 + 8 8 520192 646 51427 918 715 1 25.6798 25.3501 1 1 99.953 99.953
2 3 0.912566 + 8 8 524288 574 61312 918 830 1 25.6798 25.3501 1 1 99.953 99.953

The simplest form of raw-data fetching is to get a single TimsFrame by its Id, which represents a collection of ion-mobility separated mass spectra at a single retention time:

frame = handle.get_frame(1)

Wich will return a TimsFrame:

TimsFrame(id: 1, num data-points: 211960, sum intensity: 12270522)

You can also query all frames in a given retention time range (caution, rt-start/rt-end values should be given in seconds):

slice = slic = handle.get_slice_rt_range(120, 180)

Wich will return a TimsSlice: TimsSlice(frame start: 1130, frame end: 1691)








