Yet another boilerplate project for starting a new BDD test automation project for mobile apps using Calabash, with Page/Screen Object model structure. Inspired by Flipboard: Using Page Object Model in Mobile Test Automation.
This project was created with the intention of providing a solid base that can be extended into a full BDD test suite for Android & iOS applications. With Behavior Driven Development
bundle install
brew install ideviceinstaller
Each *.feature file contains the actual test scenarios. Calabash uses a Behavior Driven Development approach that makes tests easily readable for non-technical people.
The step definitions are the logic behind your tests, and are written in Ruby. Since the Page Object Model is designed to save time, it supports cross-platform testing: each step is used for both iOS and Android. Modifications can be applied if necessary, but are usually minimal.
Refer here:
rvm --rvmrc --create use 2.3.0@calabash
gem install bundle
bundle install
- To run Android app:
calabash-android run ./build/app.apk -p android_default
- To run iOS app:
cucumber -p ios
adb devices cucumber calabash-android run app.apk features/login.feature -p android_login
[ ] Documentation setup up ruby and rvm, calabash for ios [ ] Sample example project