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Prerequisites to get started

Thomas Möller edited this page Jan 11, 2022 · 12 revisions

To be able to create your first chart with Better Access Charts, you must first meet a few requirements.

1. Download the demo database

Download the demo database and unzip the files. You can find the latest release on the homepage of this project:

2. Download Chart.js

Download Chart.js and unzip the files to the folder where the demo database is located. You will find the latest release here on GitHub: (Since version 0.93.09 there is a button in the demo database to save chart.js to your hard disk.) (Since version 0.95.08 chart.js is loaded from a CDN.)

3. Feature Browser Emulation

Normally (since version 0.94.05) it should not be necessary to set the feature browser emulation in the registry. This applies at least to the current Access version. In some edge cases it may be necessary to set the corresponding value in the registry.
You will find a good explanation on this topic and instructions on what to do specifically on this page by Daniel Pineault: