Random script compiled for fingerprinting analysis testing for refining evasion techniques against:
Local setup:
luminati proxy manager running locally
# luminati lpm setup:
docker run --publish 22999:22999 -p 24000:24000 luminati/luminati-proxy proxy-manager --iface
# in another tab
npm install
node src/index.js
Things of note (ranked from least to most successful):
- Custom mocking + patching was out of date / obsolete - 0
- Puppeteer extra + stealth commands failed massively - 0
- Crawlee (default puppeteer settings) - 7.5
- Plain old puppeteer + proxy + rotating UA - 38.5
Things to follow up on:
- Further investigation on the detection methods and implementing improved evasion techniques
- Code clean up (Switch updated security mocks to Typescript)
- Handle selectors for parsing the HTML (took a shortcut and just captured the JSON payload instead)