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A modern, responsive blog engine built with Jaspr and Dart.

WriteSync Light Mode WriteSync Dark Mode

✨ Features

  • 🎨 Modern Design - Clean and minimalist UI with Tailwind CSS
  • 🌓 Dark Mode - Seamless light/dark mode switching
  • 📱 Responsive - Mobile-first, responsive design
  • 🚀 Server-side Rendering - Blazing fast load times with SSR
  • 📝 Markdown Support - Write your posts in Markdown
  • 🔍 Search - Full-text search functionality
  • 🏷️ Tags - Organize posts with tags
  • 📊 Smart Pagination - Configurable pagination with multiple display options
  • 🌟 Featured Posts - Multiple strategies for featuring posts
  • 🎯 SEO Optimized - Dynamic meta tags and structured data
  • 🔄 Social Integration - Easy social media sharing
  • 📈 Analytics Integration - Built-in support for Lukehog Analytics

🚀 Quick Start

  1. Clone this repository:
git clone
cd writesync
  1. Install dependencies:
dart pub get
  1. Configure plugins:

    • Visit Lukehog to get your project ID
    • Update config/plugins/lukehog_analytics.yaml:
    name: lukehog_analytics
    enabled: true
      projectId: 'your-lukehog-project-id'
      debug: false
      automaticPageviews: true
  2. Run the development server:

jaspr serve

🎨 Screenshots

Blog Layout

Blog Layout Light Mode Blog Layout Dark Mode

Main Layout

Main Layout Light Mode Main Layout Dark Mode

Header Design

Header Light Mode Header Dark Mode

Mobile Experience

Mobile View - Home Mobile View - Featured Post Mobile View - Blog List Mobile View - Dark Mode

Responsive design optimized for mobile devices

📊 Analytics Configuration

WriteSync comes with built-in support for Lukehog Analytics, providing seamless event tracking and user analytics.


  • 🔄 Automatic page view tracking
  • 🐛 Automatic error tracking
  • 👤 User session management
  • 📊 Event batching and retry logic
  • 🎯 Configurable event filtering


Configure analytics in config/plugins/lukehog_analytics.yaml:

name: lukehog_analytics
enabled: true
development_only: false

  projectId: '${LUKEHOG_PROJECT_ID}'
  debug: false
  automaticPageviews: true
  automaticErrorTracking: true
  sessionExpiration: 1800  # 30 minutes in seconds

    enabled: true
      - url
      - title
      - referrer
      - deviceType
      - browserInfo

    enabled: true
      - message
      - stackTrace
      - errorType
      - url

    enabled: true
      - elementId
      - elementType
      - action
      - value

  maxAttempts: 3
  initialDelay: 1000
  maxDelay: 5000

  enabled: true
  maxSize: 10
  flushInterval: 30000

  prefix: 'lh_'
  maxItems: 1000
  maxAge: 604800

Usage in Components

Track events in your components using the MonitoringMixin:

class MyComponent extends StatefulComponent {
  State<MyComponent> createState() => _MyComponentState();

class _MyComponentState extends State<MyComponent> with MonitoringMixin {
  void _handleClick() {
      properties: {'action': 'submit'},

  Future<void> _loadData() async {
    await trackOperation(
      () async {
        // Your async operation here

🔌 Plugin System

WriteSync features a powerful plugin system that allows you to extend functionality. Here's how to install and configure plugins:

Installing a Plugin

  1. Add the plugin to your pubspec.yaml:
    path: plugins/writesync_lukehog  # For local plugins
    # or
      url:  # For git-hosted plugins
  1. Create plugin configuration in config/plugins/:
# config/plugins/your_plugin.yaml
name: your_plugin
enabled: true
development_only: false  # Set to true for development-only plugins

  # Plugin-specific options here
  key: value
  1. Register the plugin in your app:
import 'package:writesync_plugin/writesync_plugin.dart';

void main() {
  // Register the plugin
  final registry =;
  await registry.registerPlugin(YourPlugin());
  // Run your app
  runApp(const App());

Plugin Types

WriteSync supports several types of plugins:

  1. Analytics Plugins

    class CustomAnalyticsPlugin extends AnalyticsPlugin {
      void trackEvent(String name, {Map<String, dynamic>? properties}) {
        // Implementation
  2. Content Processor Plugins

    class CustomProcessorPlugin extends ContentProcessorPlugin {
      Future<String> processMarkdown(String content) async {
        // Implementation
  3. Asset Processor Plugins

    class CustomAssetPlugin extends AssetProcessorPlugin {
      Future<List<int>> processAsset(String path, List<int> content) async {
        // Implementation
  4. Search Plugins

    class CustomSearchPlugin extends SearchPlugin {
      Future<List<String>> search(String query) async {
        // Implementation

Plugin Configuration

Plugins are configured using YAML files in the config/plugins/ directory:

  1. Main Plugin Configuration (config/plugins.yaml):
    enabled: true
    config_path: 'plugins/my_plugin.yaml'
      key: value
  1. Plugin-Specific Configuration (config/plugins/my_plugin.yaml):
name: my_plugin
enabled: true
development_only: false

  # Plugin-specific options here
  apiKey: 'your-api-key'
  debug: false
  customOption: 'value'

This configuration approach provides:

  • Type-safe configuration
  • Environment-aware settings
  • Centralized plugin management
  • Easy development/production switching
  • Better security for sensitive values

Plugin Lifecycle

Plugins follow a lifecycle that you can hook into:

class MyPlugin extends WriteSyncPlugin {
  Future<void> initialize(PluginContext context) async {
    // Called when the plugin is registered

  Future<void> onBeforeBuild() async {
    // Called before the build process starts

  Future<void> onAfterBuild() async {
    // Called after the build process completes

  Future<void> dispose() async {
    // Called when the plugin is being disposed

Plugin Best Practices

  1. Configuration Validation

    class MyPluginSchema extends PluginSchema {
      List<PluginOptionSchema> get options => [
          name: 'apiKey',
          type: String,
          required: true,
          validators: [
              pattern: RegExp(r'^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$'),
              message: 'Invalid API key format',
  2. Error Handling

    try {
      // Plugin operations
    } catch (e) {
      throw PluginException('Operation failed', e);
  3. Resource Management

    Future<void> dispose() async {
      // Clean up resources
      await _client?.close();

⚙️ Configuration

All site-wide configurations are managed in a single file: lib/config/site_config.dart. Here are the key configuration areas:

Basic Configuration

class SiteConfig {
  // Site Information
  static const String siteName = 'WriteSync';
  static const String siteDescription = 'WriteSync is a platform for writing and sharing your thoughts.';
  static const String siteAuthor = 'Your Name';

  // Blog Display Configuration
  static const Map<String, bool> blogDisplay = {
    'showAuthor': false,
    'showAuthorImage': true,
    'showDate': true,
    'showTags': true,

Featured Posts Configuration

static const Map<String, dynamic> featuredPost = {
  'strategy': 'tag',     // Options: 'tag', 'latest', 'manual'
  'tag': 'featured',     // Tag to use when strategy is 'tag'
  'manualSlug': '',      // Slug to use when strategy is 'manual'
  'fallbackToLatest': true, // Use latest post if no featured post found

Featured post strategies:

  • Tag-based: Feature posts with a specific tag
  • Manual Selection: Feature a specific post by its slug
  • Latest Post: Always feature the most recent post
  • Fallback: Automatically use latest post if no featured post is found

Pagination Configuration

// Blog Configuration
static const int postsPerPage = 6;  // Number of posts per page
static const bool enablePagination = true;

The pagination system:

  • Excludes featured post from regular pagination
  • Shows configurable number of posts per page
  • Provides clear navigation between pages
  • Maintains layout preference across pages

Analytics Configuration

static const Map<String, dynamic> analytics = {
  'enabled': true,                    // Master switch for analytics
  'googleAnalytics': {
    'enabled': true,                  // GA-specific switch
    'measurementId': 'G-XXXXXXXXXX',  // Your GA4 measurement ID
    'sendPerformanceMetrics': true,   // Send Web Vitals data
    'debugMode': false,               // Enable debug logging
    'customEvents': {
      'enabled': true,                // Enable custom event tracking
      'trackPageViews': true,         // Track page views
      'trackClicks': true,            // Track user interactions
      'trackErrors': true,            // Track errors
      'trackNavigation': true,        // Track navigation events
      'trackSearch': true,            // Track search events
    'customDimensions': {
      'environment': 'production',     // Custom dimensions for all events
      'version': '1.0.0',
      'theme': 'auto',

The analytics system provides:

  1. Web Vitals Tracking:

    • First Contentful Paint (FCP)
    • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
    • First Input Delay (FID)
    • Time to Interactive (TTI)
    • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
  2. Custom Event Tracking:

    final monitor =;
    // Track custom events
      category: 'UI',
      label: 'Submit Form',
      properties: {'form_id': 'contact'},
    // Track page views
      title: 'Home Page',
      properties: {'section': 'blog'},
    // Track user interactions
      category: 'Navigation',
    // Track search events
      'dart patterns',
      resultsCount: 5,
    // Track errors
      'Failed to load post',
      type: 'NetworkError',
      stackTrace: stackTrace,
  3. Enhanced Properties:

    • Automatic timestamp tracking
    • Page URL and title
    • Custom dimensions
    • Environment information
    • User interaction details
    • Error tracking with stack traces
  4. Debug Mode:

    • Console logging of all events
    • Detailed property inspection
    • Event validation
    • Performance monitoring

Using Analytics

  1. Configuration:

    • Update measurementId with your GA4 ID
    • Configure desired tracking options
    • Set custom dimensions
    • Enable/disable specific features
  2. Custom Event Tracking:

    final monitor =;
    // Basic event
    // Event with properties
      properties: {'key': 'value'},
      category: 'category',
      label: 'label',
      value: 1.0,
  3. Automatic Tracking:

    • Web Vitals metrics
    • Page views (optional)
    • User interactions (optional)
    • Error events (optional)
    • Search events (optional)
  4. Debug Mode: Enable debug mode in configuration:

    'debugMode': true,

    This will log all events to the console with detailed information.

📝 Adding Blog Posts

  1. Create a new markdown file in lib/posts/ directory

  2. Add front matter at the top of your markdown file:

title: Your Post Title
slug: your-post-slug
date: 2024-02-25
tags: [tag1, tag2, tag3]
description: A brief description of your post
author: Your Name
image: https://url-to-your-header-image.jpg
author_image: https://url-to-your-profile-image.jpg
  readTime: 5 min
  title: Custom SEO Title (optional)
  description: Custom SEO Description (optional)
  keywords: custom, seo, keywords (optional)
  ogImage: Custom social share image URL (optional)

Your post content here...
  1. Run the build command to generate the blog post:
dart run build_runner build

🎨 Customization

Theme Colors

Update the theme colors in lib/config/site_config.dart:

static const Map<String, String> colors = {
  'primary': 'indigo-600',
  'primary-light': 'indigo-400',
  'primary-dark': 'indigo-700',


Customize layout settings:

static const Map<String, String> layout = {
  'maxWidth': 'max-w-7xl',
  'containerPadding': 'px-4 sm:px-6 lg:px-8',
  'sectionPadding': 'py-12',
  'headerHeight': 'h-16',

Feature Flags

Enable/disable features:

static const bool enableDarkMode = true;
static const bool enableSearch = true;
static const bool enableTags = true;
static const bool enablePagination = true;
static const bool enableSocialSharing = true;

🚀 Deployment

  1. Build the project:
jaspr build
  1. The built files will be in the build directory. Deploy these files to your web server.


WriteSync comes with built-in SEO optimization:

  • Dynamic Meta Tags: Automatically generated for each page
  • Structured Data: JSON-LD for rich search results
  • Social Sharing: OpenGraph and Twitter card support
  • Canonical URLs: Proper URL handling
  • Mobile-friendly: Responsive design for better rankings

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

⭐️ Support

If you find WriteSync helpful, please consider giving it a star ⭐️

For issues and feature requests, please use the GitHub issue tracker.


A modern, responsive blog engine built with Jaspr and Dart.







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